

Activating Kefir Starter Grains

  • 1-quart whole milk
  • 1 packet kefir starter culture

Place milk into a mixing bowl.  Add in 1 packet of kefir starter culture; mix well.  Place into pint-sized jars and prepared incubator set at 43.3° C for 18 hours or until kefir has reached a pH level of 4.6 or less.

Re-culturing Kefir

  • 1-quart whole milk
  • ¼ cup kefir

Combine milk and kefir into a mixing bowl.  Place in pint-size jars and incubate at 26.6° C until kefir has reached a pH of 4.6 or less.   Re-culture up to 7 times within a week.  To re-cultureuy dehydrated milk kefir grains instead of a kefir starter culture.

Use kefir in smoothies, salad dressings, salads, ice-cream, spreadable cheese, soup, as a substitute for buttermilk or yogurt in baked goods, or as a beverage option.

Kefir Blueberry Banana Smoothie

  • ¾ cup kefir
  • ½ cup of orange juice
  • 1 cup blueberries
  • 1 banana

Combine in blender and mix until smooth.  Serve immediately or freeze for later use.  


Kelsie Maw, RD, CD; Brian Nummer, Ph.D.; Callie Ward; Melanie Jewkes

Brian Nummer

Callie Ward

Melanie Jewkes

Callie Ward

Callie Ward

Extension Associate Professor | 4-H Youth Development | Home and Community | Garfield County

Home and Community Department

Phone: (435)-676-1113
Office Location: Garfield County

Melanie Jewkes

Melanie Jewkes

Extension Professor | Family & Consumer Sciences | Salt Lake County

Home and Community Department

Phone: 385-468-4838
Office Location: Salt Lake County