Homemade Fermented Yogurt
Activating Yogurt Starter Culture
- 1 cup whole milk
- 1 packet yogurt starter culture
Whisk milk and yogurt starter culture in mixing bowl until evenly distributed.
Re-culturing Yogurt
- 1-gallon whole milk
- 1 cup activated yogurt or 1-cup commercial plain yogurt with live cultures
- 1 1/3 cups non-fat dry milk powder (optional for thicker texture)
Combine milk and non-fat dry milk in a small pot on the stove. Heat to 185-200° F; hold for 10-20 minutes while stirring constantly; holding longer will produce a thicker texture. Cool milk to 112-115° F. Removes 1 cup of milk and mix in activated yogurt or commercial plain yogurt. Combine with remaining milk and pour into pint jars, cover with lids, and place in the yogurt maker for 4-8 hours until a pH of 4.6 or less is achieved. Refrigerate immediately. Re-culture infinitely by saving 1 cup of yogurt and making at least once a week to ensure cultures stay active and healthy to produce subsequent batches.
Tips for thicker Greek-like yogurt:
- Use whole fat milk instead of reduced-fat milk
- Add non-fat dry milk powder
- Heat milk for greater lengths of time up to 20-30 minutes at 185°F
- Strain the yogurt to remove excess whey by using a cotton bag, muslin cloth, or tight-weave cloth; the longer you strain the yogurt the thicker it will be.
Hearty Yogurt Avocado Toast
- 1 whole-wheat slice of bread
- ½ avocado, sliced
- 2 tbsp. yogurt
- 1 tsp. honey
Toast bread for 2.5 minutes in the toaster. Spread yogurt and avocado slices on top of the bread. Top with honey. Serve immediately for a hearty protein appetite suppressor breakfast.
Kelsie Maw, RD, CD; Brian Nummer, Ph.D.; Callie Ward; Melanie Jewkes
Brian Nummer
Callie Ward
Melanie Jewkes