WUI Mitigation

Since 1990 60% of all new homes built in the United States have been built in the Wildland Urban Interface (WUI) which has increased the wildfire risk to homeowners. Communities that are proactive and develop wildfire mitigation plans before an incident occurs are empowered to obtain financial assistance for wildfire mitigation, response, and recovery. Prepare and plan financially before the wildfire sparks so your community will be better prepared to respond in a post-wildfire situation. The State of Utah’s Division of Emergency Management (DEM) oversees the update of Utah’s State Hazard Mitigation Plan every five years, which includes a section on wildfires including a state-wide risk assessment. Wildfire Mitigation Includes:

Hazard Assessment/Mitigation Planning

Fuels Treatment and Defensible Space Work

Wildfire-Related Business Development

Public Education

Firefighting Capacity Building