- delicate biting fly
- long, needle-like mouthparts
- immature stages are found in water and resemble small worms
Nesting Habits
- lay eggs in standing or slow-moving water or moist areas that occasionally flood
- blood (females)
- some species can transmit West Nile Virus in Utah
- bites can cause itching
IPM Recommendations
- Locate and remove all sources of standing water, including clogged gutters/spouts, play equipment, irrigation boxes, poorly drained turf, clogged drains, holes in trees, etc.
- In areas of standing water that can’t be drained, a product known as “mosquito dunks,” containing a bacteria toxic to mosquito larvae, can be used.
- Keep screens in good repair to prevent adult mosquitos from entering a building.
- Avoid outside activity when mosquitos are active (dawn and dusk).
- Wear long-sleeved shirts, long pants and a hat.
- Use repellants such as DEET, Picaridin, oil of lemon eucalyptus or IR3535.