Integrated Pest Management

Fairy Rings

Fairy Rings

Type I fairy rings (Lester E. Dickens,

Fairy Ring

Type II fairy ring (Claus Ableiter, Wikimedia Commons)

Fairy Rings

Type III fairy ring (Clemson University - USDA Coopertive Extension Slide Series,

Hosts, Symptoms & Signs

  • can affect all lawns; do not directly attack grass

There are three types of fairy rings:

  • type I: soil and thatch become hydrophobic and the grass dies; brown ring of dead grass
  • type II: rings on the lawn that are 2 – 8 inches wide with lush green grass
  • type III: mushrooms and puffballs are produced in the ring
  • white fungal mycelium can be found in thatch and soil for all three types

Disease Cycle

  • disease cycle is not known

IPM Recommendations

  • Reduce thatch with proper cultural practices.
  • Mask fairy ring; water deeply and fertilize to stimulate growth of grass around ring.
  • For type II fairy rings, a wetting agent may be needed.
  • Control with fungicide drenches is inconsistent.
  • Soil replacement: remove soil about 20 inches to each side of the ring and up to 30 inches deep and replace with sterile soil. This is a very expensive management option.