Caneberry Irrigation
Proper irrigation of caneberries (raspberries and blackberries) is essential to maintaining a healthy and productive planting.
Irrigation management information for fruit and vegetable crops and production horticulture.
Proper irrigation of caneberries (raspberries and blackberries) is essential to maintaining a healthy and productive planting.
Proper irrigation of grapes is essential to maintaining a healthy and productive planting. Over-irrigation slows root growth, increases iron chlorosis on alkaline soils, and leaches nitrogen, sulfur, and boron out of the root zone leading to nutrient defi...
The goal of most irrigation system design and management is to provide all plants in an irrigated area with equal access to water. In this fact sheet, we explain major causes of uneven water distribution in sprinkler and drip irrigation systems and sugges...
Proper irrigation is essential to maintaining a healthy and productive apple orchard. Over irrigation slows root growth, increases the potential for iron chlorosis on alkaline soils, and leaches nitrogen, sulfur and boron out of the root zone leading to n...
Proper irrigation is essential to maintaining a healthy and productive cherry orchard. Over irrigation slows root growth, increases iron chlorosis in alkaline soils, and leaches nitrogen, sulfur and boron out of the root zone leading to nutrient deficienc...
Proper irrigation is essential to maintaining a healthy and productive peach orchard. Over irrigation slows root growth, increases the potential for iron chlorosis in alkaline soils, and leaches nitrogen, sulfur and boron out of the root zone leading to n...
Proper irrigation of strawberries is essential to maintaining a healthy and productive planting. Over irrigation slows root growth, increases iron chlorosis on alkaline soils, and leaches nitrogen, sulfur and boron out of the root zone leading to nutrient...
Proper irrigation is critical for leafy green production. Optimal irrigation management leads to healthy plants and maximum, high-quality yields. Under-irrigation results in a reduction of yield. Irrigation can be used to combat the negative effect of hig...
Proper irrigation is essential to growing a healthy and productive melon crop. For ideal fruit development, a consistent moisture supply throughout the season is necessary. Too little irrigation will result in weak plants with under-sized fruits and reduc...
Proper irrigation is critical for onion production. Optimal irrigation management leads to steady plant growth, uniform bulb size, maximum yields, and superior bulb quality. Under-irrigation results in a reduction of yield, single centeredness, and qualit...
Proper irrigation is critical for squash and pumpkin production. Optimal irrigation management leads to large, healthy plants, capable of producing maximum yields of superior quality fruit. Under-irrigation results in a reduction of yield, increased incid...
Proper irrigation is critical for sweet pepper and tomato production. Optimal irrigation management leads to healthy plants, maximum yields, and high quality fruit. Under-irrigation results in a reduction of yield, blossom end rot, and other fruit quality...
High tunnel irrigation management requires knowledge of the following concepts: 1) differences in soil water holding capacity 2) variances in plants rooting depth, 3) how changing environmental conditions impact plant water use, 4) proper water applicatio...
Soil salinity is a measure of the total amount of soluble salt in soil. As salinity levels increase, plants extract water less easily from soil, aggravating water stress conditions. High soil salinity can also cause nutrient imbalances, result in the accu...
The research community and fertilizer industry have developed and utilized a framework termed “4R nutrient management” to help improve fertilizer stewardship. For decades, national and international organizations and institutes such as The Fertilizer Inst...
Deficit irrigation is any irrigation level that does not meet the crop’s full evapotranspiration (ET) demand, meaning evaporation from plant and soil surface and transpiration through plant growth.
Drip irrigation is a highly efficient irrigation method well suited to many fruit and vegetable row crops. Drip tubing or tape discharges water to the soil through emitters positioned close to the plant. The drip tubing can be placed uncovered on the soil...
The use of fertigation for field and horticultural crops is increasing in Utah. Fertigation can be an effective method for improving nutrient stewardship and improving crop yield and quality. Keys to successful fertigation include irrigation system mainte...
This quick reference is a basic summary of irrigation water quality sampling recommendations and procedures.
The goal of most irrigation system design and management is to provide all plants in an irrigated area with equal access to water. In this fact sheet, we explain major causes of uneven water distribution in sprinkler and drip irrigation systems and sugges...
Salts are a natural part of our arid zone soils, but they can be managed—good results always start with good information!
Soil salinity is a measure of the total amount of soluble salt in soil. As salinity levels increase, plants extract water less easily from soil, aggravating water stress conditions. High soil salinity can also cause nutrient imbalances, result in the accu...
Sodic soils are soils with excess sodium. Sodic soils are encountered with increasing frequency in Utah, usually in the lower, flatter areas of our valleys. Sodic soils probably developed over many years when the water table was high and the soils were to...
There is a wide range of methods available to monitor soil moisture. When selecting a sensor, consider the advantages and disadvantages as well as what will work with your soil. Maintenance, skill level, and cost should also factor into your decision. If ...
In the correct applications, VFDs can be a great way to save energy and protect and extend the life of irrigation pumps and motors. VFD economics will be highly dependent on the conditions on each field or set of fields. Considering the complete costs of ...
If you are connected to a municipal system, your water is probably categorized as “culinary or municipal water” and is used for everything from drinking and bathing to washing the car to watering tomatoes. However the Utah Division of Water Rights takes a...
Salts are naturally occurring, soluble minerals in areas where soil evaporation and plant water use (or transpiration) are both high, and precipitation is low. In that scenario, dissolved minerals concentrate over time as the extraction of essentially pu...