Natural Amenity Management

Natural Amenity Management connects the economic well being and quality of life of people to surrounding natural areas. Recognizing what value these resources provide for a community is important when considering their management. Natural resources affect the economic, biological, and physical characteristics of GNAR communities long into the future.  

Growing populations and rising tourism in GNAR communities put pressure on NCAs and the industries they sustain. Balancing permitted uses with the preservation of these assets can be particularly challenging for sites that lie on private property. To maximize its effectiveness, management should align with other planning and management efforts, such as local zoning codes and transportation plans. Sound management of amenities  will help uphold the character and quality of life for GNAR residents and enhance the desirability of GNARs for tourism.

Natural Amenity Toolkit Pages

Dark Skies Toolkit

Gateway communities value the night sky as an important component of their cultural heritage and rural character. Additionally, astro-tourism provides an economic opportunity to tap into urbanites’ rising interest as light pollution erases the stars in cities.

Land Conservation Toolkit

GNAR communities are familiar with federal protected land and conservation efforts, but many communities have worked to create more collaborative and locally-based conservation plans. In particular, conservation easements can provide a source of economic benefit to rural landowners while also protecting wildlife and natural resources...