On Friday, September 29, 2023, students and professionals gathered in the Sun Valley Resort parking lot in Ketchum, Idaho. The Northwest Active Management Tour began in 2016 with the goal of showing students and other professionals how different agencies
Northwest Active Management Tour 2023 | Newsletters | Publications | Forestry | Extension
On Friday, September 29, 2023, students and professionals gathered in the Sun Valley Resort parking lot in Ketchum, Idaho. The Northwest Active Management Tour began in 2016 with the goal of showing students and other professionals how different agencies ...
The Nora Eccles Harrison Museum of Art on the Utah State University campus is featuring an exhibit that is focused on wildland fire until mid-December and is called Facing Fire. The "Facing Fire: Aesthetics, Environment, & Policy in the West" panel featur
Facing Fire Panel and Exhibit | Newsletters | Publications | Forestry | Extension
The Nora Eccles Harrison Museum of Art on the Utah State University campus is featuring an exhibit that is focused on wildland fire until mid-December and is called Facing Fire. The "Facing Fire: Aesthetics, Environment, & Policy in the West" panel featur...
Solar kilns can reduce firewood drying time using simple technology similar to a greenhouse. This method can be effective even in high humidity areas to dry wood in a matter of weeks instead of months.
Solar Kilns to Dry Firewood Faster | Newsletters | Publications | Forestry | Extension
Solar kilns can reduce firewood drying time using simple technology similar to a greenhouse. This method can be effective even in high humidity areas to dry wood in a matter of weeks instead of months.
The Division of Forestry, Fire and State Lands is now accepting project pre-applications for the Forest Legacy Program and the new opportunities provided by the Inflation Reduction Act funding for the Forest Legacy Program.
Utah Forest Legacy Program Accepting Project Pre-Applications Until October 16, 2023
The Division of Forestry, Fire and State Lands is now accepting project pre-applications for the Forest Legacy Program and the new opportunities provided by the Inflation Reduction Act funding for the Forest Legacy Program.
The NRCS and FFSL collaborated to create two new positions: NRCS-FFSL Forestry Coordinators. Forestry Coordinators are available to help private Utah forest landowners to get access to support and funding.
New NRCS and FFSL Positions to Support Utah Forest Landowners | Newsletters | Publications | Forestry | Extension
The NRCS and FFSL collaborated to create two new positions: NRCS-FFSL Forestry Coordinators. Forestry Coordinators are available to help private Utah forest landowners to get access to support and funding.
During Forestry's 90+ year history at USU, student graduation numbers have gone up and down. The last few years have shown an upward trend in graduates. The demand for qualified foresters in the US has also risen drastically in the last few years.
USU Forestry Program Experiencing an Upward Trend
During Forestry's 90+ year history at USU, student graduation numbers have gone up and down. The last few years have shown an upward trend in graduates. The demand for qualified foresters in the US has also risen drastically in the last few years.
On March 13, 2023, Darren McAvoy sat down with graduate student Drew Holley to discuss McAvoy’s experience with land restoration. The interview is part of the USU Library Digital Collection titled "The Climate Challenge."
Darren McAvoy Interview for The Climate Challenge collection
On March 13, 2023, Darren McAvoy sat down with graduate student Drew Holley to discuss McAvoy’s experience with land restoration. The interview is part of the USU Library Digital Collection titled "The Climate Challenge."
A summary of new research on fire severity distribution in Utah's aspen forests over the last 40 years.
Utah Aspen Fire Severity Distribution
A summary of new research on fire severity distribution in Utah's aspen forests over the last 40 years.
A brief introduction to tapping maple trees in Utah and the Intermountain West area. Includes an overview of maple tree identification, weather conditions, and how to start tapping.
Tapping Maple Trees for Syrup in the Intermountain West | Newsletters | Publications | Forestry | Extension
A brief introduction to tapping maple trees in Utah and the Intermountain West area. Includes an overview of maple tree identification, weather conditions, and how to start tapping.
Information about a new project that aims to develop a maple syrup industry for the Interior West through research and targeted extension.
Bringing Maple Syrup Production to the Interior West | Newsletters | Publications | Forestry | Extension
Information about a new project that aims to develop a maple syrup industry for the Interior West through research and targeted extension.
Learn about prescribed fires, a common land management practice used in the western United States by public land managers and private landowners.
Prescribed Burning - Landowner Responsibility and Liability | Newsletters | Publications | Forestry | Extension
Learn about prescribed fires, a common land management practice used in the western United States by public land managers and private landowners.
The definition of the Soil Carbon Amendment Practice Standard (808) is to use amendments derived from plant or animal residues to improve the physical, chemical, and biological properties of the soil.
Biochar Update: NRCS Introduces Soil Carbon Amendment Practice Available to Utah Landowners | Newsletters | Publications | Forestry | Extension
The definition of the Soil Carbon Amendment Practice Standard (808) is to use amendments derived from plant or animal residues to improve the physical, chemical, and biological properties of the soil.
The Utah Forest Institute (UFI) is a science-based outreach and engagement organization hosted by the Department of Wildland Resources and the S.J. & Jessie E. Quinney College of Natural Resources at Utah State University.
Introducing the Utah Forest Institute | Newsletters | Publications | Forestry | Extension
The Utah Forest Institute (UFI) is a science-based outreach and engagement organization hosted by the Department of Wildland Resources and the S.J. & Jessie E. Quinney College of Natural Resources at Utah State University.
Information on biochar and how creating biochar can decrease atmospheric carbon dioxide while providing a product that is beneficial to soil.
Biochar: Can it Help Fight Climate Change While Improving Soil Health? | Newsletters | Publications | Forestry | Extension
Information on biochar and how creating biochar can decrease atmospheric carbon dioxide while providing a product that is beneficial to soil.
Utah Forester Natalie Conlin receives National Forest Stewardship Forester Award at the USFS Forest Stewardship Program annual meeting in Charleston, SC.
Utah Forester Receives National Forest Stewardship Forester Award | Newsletters | Publications | Forestry | Extension
Utah Forester Natalie Conlin receives National Forest Stewardship Forester Award at the USFS Forest Stewardship Program annual meeting in Charleston, SC.
The Forest Ecology and Management major at Utah State University has seen an increase in enrollments. Three professors and their exciting research may contribute to this increase: Dr. Jim Lutz, Dr. Larissa Yocom, Dr. R. Justin DeRose.
Increased Enrollment for Forest Ecology and Management | Newsletters | Publications | Forestry | Extension
The Forest Ecology and Management major at Utah State University has seen an increase in enrollments. Three professors and their exciting research may contribute to this increase: Dr. Jim Lutz, Dr. Larissa Yocom, Dr. R. Justin DeRose.
What is agroforestry? Benefits of agroforestry. Southwest Agroforestry Action Network (SWAAN).
Agroforestry and New SWAAN Partnership | Newsletters | Publications | Forestry | Extension
What is agroforestry? Benefits of agroforestry. Southwest Agroforestry Action Network (SWAAN).
Professors Chris P. Pantelides and Xuan Peter Zhu from the University of Utah were recently awarded a USDA Forest Service Wood Innovations grant for a project proposing a mass timber buckling-restrained braced frame as the lateral force resisting system t
Wood Innovations Grant - University of Utah | Newsletters | Publications | Forestry | Extension
Professors Chris P. Pantelides and Xuan Peter Zhu from the University of Utah were recently awarded a USDA Forest Service Wood Innovations grant for a project proposing a mass timber buckling-restrained braced frame as the lateral force resisting system t...
An article focused on several case studies done in New Mexico regarding the use of Potential Operational Delineations during the 2019 fire season.
Fighting Wildfire with PODs | Newsletters | Publications | Forestry | Extension
An article focused on several case studies done in New Mexico regarding the use of Potential Operational Delineations during the 2019 fire season.
Introducing the newest member of the USU Forestry Extension program, Gabrielle Harden—Extension educator
Introducing Gabrielle Harden - Forestry Extension Educator | Newsletters | Publications | Forestry | Extension
Introducing the newest member of the USU Forestry Extension program, Gabrielle Harden—Extension educator
Dr. Karen Mock, Wildland Resources Professor at Utah State University has been selected by the Utah Forest Stewardship Coordinating Committee to receive the 2019 Forest Stewardship Achievement Award.
Utah State Professor Receives Forest Stewardship Achievement Award | Newsletters | Publications | Forestry | Extension
Dr. Karen Mock, Wildland Resources Professor at Utah State University has been selected by the Utah Forest Stewardship Coordinating Committee to receive the 2019 Forest Stewardship Achievement Award.
Learn the details about where to safely and legally cut a Christmas Tree in Utah and learn about how to care for your tree.
Where to Cut a Christmas Tree in Utah | Newsletters | Publications | Forestry | Extension
Learn the details about where to safely and legally cut a Christmas Tree in Utah and learn about how to care for your tree.
Cross-laminated timber workshop and forestry practices tour led by Utah State University Forestry Extension.
Forest to Frame: Two Days of Touring and Workshops to Advance Mass Timber Construction in Utah | Newsletters | Publications | Forestry | Extension
Cross-laminated timber workshop and forestry practices tour led by Utah State University Forestry Extension.
Utah State Associate Professor Eric Thacker testified at a hearing in Washington D.C. regarding wild horse and burro management. The hearing was called by the Subcommittee on Public Lands, Forests, and Mining to discuss the long-term options of the Bureau
Utah State Professor Testifies in Washington D.C. Regarding Wild Horse and Burro Management | Newsletters | Publications | Forestry | Extension
Utah State Associate Professor Eric Thacker testified at a hearing in Washington D.C. regarding wild horse and burro management. The hearing was called by the Subcommittee on Public Lands, Forests, and Mining to discuss the long-term options of the Bureau...
Jim Lutz, Utah State University Associate Professor is tracking trees in Yosemite National Park as part of a long term study. The BBC reported on his findings here.
Tracking the Lives of Some of the Oldest and Tallest Trees in the World with Jim Lutz | Newsletters | Publications | Forestry | Extension
Jim Lutz, Utah State University Associate Professor is tracking trees in Yosemite National Park as part of a long term study. The BBC reported on his findings here.
What is known about invasive annual grasses in western rangelands? We explain promising, research-tested solutions that have been proven in the field.
“Biological Wildfire” of Invasive Annual Grasses in the West: Urgency, Risks, and Promising New Solutions | Newsletters | Publications | Forestry | Extension
What is known about invasive annual grasses in western rangelands? We explain promising, research-tested solutions that have been proven in the field.
The Causey Estates Homeowners Association,conducted a series of wildfire preparedness and mitigation efforts prior to Utah’s busiest wildfire season on record.
Causey Estates Community Defends Against Wildfire Threats | Newsletters | Publications | Forestry | Extension
The Causey Estates Homeowners Association,conducted a series of wildfire preparedness and mitigation efforts prior to Utah’s busiest wildfire season on record.
This partnership is filling a niche in a high risk lending arena: forest products and biomass utilization businesses that can’t qualify for traditional forms or sources of financing.
Colorado Business Loan Fund: Collaboration Key to Investing in our Biomass Business Community | Newsletters | Publications | Forestry | Extension
This partnership is filling a niche in a high risk lending arena: forest products and biomass utilization businesses that can’t qualify for traditional forms or sources of financing.
Every spring and fall, in close partnership with Utah County Fire and Utah Division of Forestry, Fire and State Lands have been cutting and chipping hazardous fuels to reduce the threat of fire around homes within the Woodland Hills community.
WUI Grant Helps Reduce Threat to Woodland Hills | Newsletters | Publications | Forestry | Extension
Every spring and fall, in close partnership with Utah County Fire and Utah Division of Forestry, Fire and State Lands have been cutting and chipping hazardous fuels to reduce the threat of fire around homes within the Woodland Hills community.
Pinyon juniper die-off update from November 2018 in southeastern Utah. In mid-2018, reports began to surface that juniper trees were dying in large numbers across southeastern Utah.
2019 Update: Region-Wide Juniper Mortality in Southeastern Utah | Newsletters | Publications | Forestry | Extension
Pinyon juniper die-off update from November 2018 in southeastern Utah. In mid-2018, reports began to surface that juniper trees were dying in large numbers across southeastern Utah.
Juniper trees are dying in large numbers in southeastern Utah – and no one knows why. Observations of this widespread juniper mortality have also been reported in southwest Colorado, northern Arizona and Nevada.
Region-Wide Juniper Mortality in Southeastern Utah | Newsletters | Publications | Forestry | Extension
Juniper trees are dying in large numbers in southeastern Utah – and no one knows why. Observations of this widespread juniper mortality have also been reported in southwest Colorado, northern Arizona and Nevada.
Northern Utah landowner Curtis Rex is creating fire breaks, clearing dead and dying timber, and improving wildlife habitat on a 70-acre restoration project, in partnership with NRCS and Utah DFFSL.
Promoting Forest Resilience - One Acre at a Time | Newsletters | Publications | Forestry | Extension
Northern Utah landowner Curtis Rex is creating fire breaks, clearing dead and dying timber, and improving wildlife habitat on a 70-acre restoration project, in partnership with NRCS and Utah DFFSL.
Another successful Forestry Practices Tour took place on September 6, 2018. Thirty individuals joined Darren McAvoy, Extension Assistant Professor of Forestry and others on a tour that included an insider’s view of local projects state, USFS, and private
Another Successful Forestry Practices Tour, Logan Canyon, September 2018 | Newsletters | Publications | Forestry | Extension
Another successful Forestry Practices Tour took place on September 6, 2018. Thirty individuals joined Darren McAvoy, Extension Assistant Professor of Forestry and others on a tour that included an insider’s view of local projects state, USFS, and private ...
Society of American Foresters awards Dr. Jim Long Award in Forest Science. Distinguished Professor Dr. Jim Long retires.
Distinguished Forestry Professor, Dr. Jim Long Receives National Award | Newsletters | Publications | Forestry | Extension
Society of American Foresters awards Dr. Jim Long Award in Forest Science. Distinguished Professor Dr. Jim Long retires.
USU Forestry Extension asked the LANDFIRE Program's Nature Conservancy team (the principal partner in a multi-agency program managed by the USDA Forest Service and the U.S. Department of Interior), to explain what LANDFIRE is and how it has impacted the w
LANDFIRE in the Intermountain West - Impacts, Collaboration, and Notes from the Field | Newsletters | Publications | Forestry | Extension
USU Forestry Extension asked the LANDFIRE Program's Nature Conservancy team (the principal partner in a multi-agency program managed by the USDA Forest Service and the U.S. Department of Interior), to explain what LANDFIRE is and how it has impacted the w...