cartoon people going on a group walk with strollers and dogs on leashes

Join us this summer for our #WalkingWednesday series at different trails throughout Davis County. This series is for anyone that wants to spend time outside, enjoy an active lifestyle, and connect with others. Why walk? Engaging in regular physical activity is one of the best things we can do to improve our health. Physical activity such as walking can help to: avoid chronic disease; feel joy, happiness and peace of mind, have less anxiety and stress, have more energy, and more! Each walk will highlight simple ways to improve our overall wellbeing followed by a group walk.

Walks are held every other Wednesday during the summer. There is no fee for participating, but we encourage you to pre-register to receive additional details, such as where to park and meet.

NEW FOR 2024~

  • A fun craft or activity for kids at each walk! See details below.
  • Passports! These paper trackers will help you mark your wellness miles and can be used to enter into our giveaway at the end of the summer. (Print in advance here)

2024 Wellness Walks

Participants should come prepared with their own water and wear appropriate clothing and footwear. All ages. Where allowed, leashed, friendly pets are welcome!