Shawn F. Dorius, PhD

Iowa State University

Public Science Collaborative

Shawn F. Dorius, PhD


Dr. Shawn Dorius conducts research in social demography, social epidemiology, community well-being, and computational social science methods. These days, much of his research effort intersects on substance use, with special attention to its social context, effects on individuals, families, and communities, and computational surveillance.

His work has been funded by the National Science Foundation, the Centers for Disease Control, the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Administration, the U.S. Department of Agriculture, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, and the National Institutes of Health. He teaches courses in demography, international development, research methods, and community sociology. Prior to arriving at Iowa State University, Dr. Dorius was a postdoctoral scholar at the Population Studies Center at the University of Michigan and a research associate at the Survey Research Center in the Institute for Social Research.

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