Katie Zaman, PhD

Tribal & Rural Opioid Initiative

Health & Wellness Program Coordinator

Katie Zaman, PhD


Katie Zaman is a health and wellness program coordinator in the Office of Health Equity and Community Engagement, where she manages federal grants addressing opioid use disorder in Utah. She has a PhD in Community and Environmental Sociology from the University of Wisconsin, Madison, and a masters in community health from Minnesota State University, Mankato.

Katie spent a year in Bangladesh as a Fulbright Fellow, where she worked with Bangladeshi women on projects to increase access to the labor market. She has been a research and evaluation consultant on numerous local and international grants. Katie is working on a translating a collection of narratives of the opioid crisis in Utah into comic book form, to reduce stigma around substance use disorder and harm reduction.

She lives in Madison, Wisconsin, with three cats, a perfectly reasonable number of cats.

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