Savannah Eley

StepOne Service Castleview Hospital

Service Coordinator

Savannah Eley


Savannah works at Castleview Hospital in Price, Utah managing and creating detox services. She previously worked as the Opioid Prevention Specialist for Southeast Utah where she helped create the Harm Reduction program. Savannah is a person living in long term recovery from a substance use disorder. She enjoys spending time in the mountains with her family and dogs.

Savanna will be co-presenting with Katie Zaman. Their presentation is titled Telling Stories to Reduce Stigma: Comics and Harm Reduction. Stigma is a major barrier to recovery for people with substance use disorders, because it makes people reluctant to reach out for help for fear that they will be stigmatized by friends, family, and even health care providers. One way to reduce stigma is to listen to the experiences of people with substance use disorders and learn about what they are going through. Comics are a great way to tell these stories and encourage compassion and empathy.

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