Understanding Safe Medication Disposal in the Uintah Basin

In 2020, there were 497 overdose deaths involving opioids in Utah. To learn more about overdose statistics and rates in Utah visit:
Source: https://ibis.health.utah.gov/ibisph-view/indicator/view/PoiDth.UT_US.html
(622 drug overdose deaths, 8 out of 10 are a result of opioids.)
Improper medication disposal can have damaging effects on the environment, such as:
- Contamination of the drinking water supply
- Impacts on human health
- Impacts on aquatic organisms
- For more information, visit
- http://disposemymeds.org/environmental-impact/
Locally, TriCounty Health Department in Vernal offer a safe syringe exchange, harm reduction kits and hygiene kits. This service is offered by calling 435-709-6775.
State-specific information about how to properly dispose of your sharps and Utah disposal locations.
Utah Syringe Exchange
Utah Syringe Exchange Network Syringe Exchange Activity Schedule
Proper medication disposal keeps our families and friends safe by:
- Reducing accidental overdose
- Lowering addiction rates
- Closes the door to prescription theft
- Prevents damage to our environment from improperly disposed medications
Anyone with unused or expired medication can support safe disposal. Conveniently dispose of your medications at any secure drop box. (Duchesne County Sheriff's Office, Roosevelt City Building, Stewart's Marketplace, UBMC Pharmacy, Duchesne Valley Medical Clinic, Uintah County Sheriff's Office, ARMC).
Combined Statement (Disclaimer)
This program is sponsored by Utah State University Tooele Extension, with funding support from the Health Resources and Services Administration (RCORP) program.
Utah State Univerisity is an affirmative action/equal opportunity institution and is committed to a learning and working environment free from discrimination. For USU's non-discrimination notice, see equity.usu.edu/non-discrimination