Ag Wellness Research Articles

ag wellness
wellness as a couple
If you are reading this, it may be because your partner is currently feeling distressed, or you may be planning for what to do if they ever reach that level. Whatever your situation, you are not alone. Here are some simple steps you can take to support yo
Caring, Noticing, and Asking; Helping a Partner in Distress

Caring, Noticing, and Asking; Helping a Partner in Distress

If you are reading this, it may be because your partner is currently feeling distressed, or you may be planning for what to do if they ever reach that level. Whatever your situation, you are not alone. Here are some simple steps you can take to support yo...

ag wellness
personal wellness
As humans, we are social beings who form strong relationships; when these relationships end, through death, divorce, or estrangement, it is natural to feel a sense of loss.
Coping With Grief and Loss for Agricultural Producers

Coping With Grief and Loss for Agricultural Producers

As humans, we are social beings who form strong relationships; when these relationships end, through death, divorce, or estrangement, it is natural to feel a sense of loss.

family wellness
ag wellness
Loss, bereavement, grief, and mourning are some of the most stressful life experiences people endure (Szuhany et al., 2021). Each family member may be deeply hurting but respond to their hurt in vastly different ways. While one person may want to talk and
Coping with Grief and Loss for Families

Coping with Grief and Loss for Families

Loss, bereavement, grief, and mourning are some of the most stressful life experiences people endure (Szuhany et al., 2021). Each family member may be deeply hurting but respond to their hurt in vastly different ways. While one person may want to talk and...

ag wellness
personal wellness
If you are here because you have personally lost someone or something that mattered to you, welcome. We hope this resource is useful for you as you navigate your grief. For clarity, we have written this article to focus on loss of a loved one, but the ide
Coping with Grief and Loss for Individuals

Coping with Grief and Loss for Individuals

If you are here because you have personally lost someone or something that mattered to you, welcome. We hope this resource is useful for you as you navigate your grief. For clarity, we have written this article to focus on loss of a loved one, but the ide...

personal wellness
ag wellness
While it is true that it is easier to act when feeling motivated, motivation is a fickle thing; evidence suggests that it fluctuates significantly from day to day, even for basic tasks like taking life-saving medication (Cook et al., 2018). Furthermore, w
Values: Helping Agricultural Producers Find Motivation by Focusing on What Matters

Values: Helping Agricultural Producers Find Motivation by Focusing on What Matters

While it is true that it is easier to act when feeling motivated, motivation is a fickle thing; evidence suggests that it fluctuates significantly from day to day, even for basic tasks like taking life-saving medication (Cook et al., 2018). Furthermore, w...

family wellness
ag wellness
Agricultural producers are well known for instilling the value of hard work in their children. This sets their children up for success by preparing them to work hard enough to achieve their goals. At the same time, it is important to balance family work i
Finding Wellness Through Family Fun

Finding Wellness Through Family Fun

Agricultural producers are well known for instilling the value of hard work in their children. This sets their children up for success by preparing them to work hard enough to achieve their goals. At the same time, it is important to balance family work i...

personal wellness
ag wellness
For agricultural producers, long hours coupled with challenging, unpredictable conditions can give rise to challenging thoughts and feelings at times. Conventional wisdom maintains that uncomfortable, distressing, or painful thoughts and feelings are “bad
Accepting Uncomfortable Emotions: Learning From Car Dashboards and Manure

Accepting Uncomfortable Emotions: Learning From Car Dashboards and Manure

For agricultural producers, long hours coupled with challenging, unpredictable conditions can give rise to challenging thoughts and feelings at times. Conventional wisdom maintains that uncomfortable, distressing, or painful thoughts and feelings are “bad...

ag wellness
personal wellness
health and wellness
All of us experience stress, and with it, unpleasant, uncomfortable, or distressing thoughts. Much of the time, people are able to manage the stress—we refocus on our lives and move on. At other times, however, stressful thoughts really impact people’s mo
Managing Stress for Agricultural Producers: Learning to “Unhook”

Managing Stress for Agricultural Producers: Learning to “Unhook”

All of us experience stress, and with it, unpleasant, uncomfortable, or distressing thoughts. Much of the time, people are able to manage the stress—we refocus on our lives and move on. At other times, however, stressful thoughts really impact people’s mo...

personal wellness
ag wellness
We live in a world of stress, and that comes with difficult, painful, and challenging thoughts and feelings. A healthy approach to those thoughts and feelings is called “acceptance” – a willingness to experience some difficult thoughts and feelings in pur
Opening Up to Life: Dealing with Manure

Opening Up to Life: Dealing with Manure

We live in a world of stress, and that comes with difficult, painful, and challenging thoughts and feelings. A healthy approach to those thoughts and feelings is called “acceptance” – a willingness to experience some difficult thoughts and feelings in pur...

ag wellness
wellness as a couple
Rather than allowing life stressors to negatively impact your relationship, researchers have identified several ways you can respond to stress that lead to stronger relationships. At the most basic level, this involves getting on the same page about the s
Reducing Stress in Relationships: Check in, don't check out

Reducing Stress in Relationships: Check in, don't check out

Rather than allowing life stressors to negatively impact your relationship, researchers have identified several ways you can respond to stress that lead to stronger relationships. At the most basic level, this involves getting on the same page about the s...

personal wellness
ag wellness
wellness as a couple
ag-financial wellness
Finances are a necessary component of running an agricultural production and with an uncertain economy, drought conditions, and rising costs, financial stress is increasingly common. Research suggests that the economy greatly impacts individual well-being
Responding to Financial Stress for Agricultural Producers and Couples

Responding to Financial Stress for Agricultural Producers and Couples

Finances are a necessary component of running an agricultural production and with an uncertain economy, drought conditions, and rising costs, financial stress is increasingly common. Research suggests that the economy greatly impacts individual well-being...

ag-financial wellness
ag wellness
Finances are one of the most common topics couples argue about, and disagreement over finances is a factor in many divorces (Dew et al., 2012). At the same time, finances are an inherent part of being an agricultural producer; in this post, we’ll explore
Responding to Financial Stress

Responding to Financial Stress

Finances are one of the most common topics couples argue about, and disagreement over finances is a factor in many divorces (Dew et al., 2012). At the same time, finances are an inherent part of being an agricultural producer; in this post, we’ll explore ...

personal wellness
ag wellness
One way to jumpstart motivation and effective action is by understanding our values. Values are qualities or characteristics that we want to bring into our actions every day; they help us become who we are most proud to be (Harris, 2019).
Clarifying Values: Turning in to Your Internal Compass

Clarifying Values: Turning in to Your Internal Compass

One way to jumpstart motivation and effective action is by understanding our values. Values are qualities or characteristics that we want to bring into our actions every day; they help us become who we are most proud to be (Harris, 2019).

ag wellness
mental health articles
community wellness
According to Rural Health Info, there is a health disparity, or difference, between rural mental health and mental health in urban areas. This disparity does not always show up in the prevalence of mental health illnesses and suicide rates, but there is a
Rural Mental Health

Rural Mental Health

According to Rural Health Info, there is a health disparity, or difference, between rural mental health and mental health in urban areas. This disparity does not always show up in the prevalence of mental health illnesses and suicide rates, but there is a...