AgWellness Utah Agriculture Farmer Mental Health

Mental Health Resources for Utah Farmers

From weather, to economy, to relationships and family life, the stress faced by agricultural producers on any given day is immense and unique. Our goal is to provide education, help, and resources for agricultural producers and their families so that stress can be managed. If you have any questions regarding the resources that are provided by any of the programs on this site, please contact us.

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mental health help

Mental Health Assistance

Feeling overwhelmed? You can see a local licensed medical provider and have your medical bills paid for!

Agwellness podcast

AgWellness Podcast

Having trouble talking about your mental health? This podcast will help you know how to open up about your concerns and help others with theirs.

mental health classes for the ag community

Online Courses

AgWellness course:
Simple steps to find relief to your stresses.
Mental Health Awareness for Ag:
Know exactly what to say and how to help others who are struggling.

Helpful Articles