Setback Distances for Manure Application

Farm pond

Setback Distances

To protect our water quality, Utah mandates a 100-foot setback distance when applying manure, litter, compost, or process wastewater near certain features or structures. A setback distance of 100-feet is required around agricultural well heads, open tile line intake structures, sinkholes, or other conduits or conveyances to a water of the State such as canals or drainage ditches. A 100-foot setback is also required when a surface water of the State is down gradient.

Alternative Conservation Practices

The implementation of alternative conservation practices may reduce the buffer zone needed for manure application. A 35-foot vegetated buffer can be used as a compliance alternative. Other conservation practices may be used if it can be demonstrated that the field specific conditions, or alternative conservation practice will provide pollutant reductions equivalent to, or better than, the reductions that would be achieved by a 100-foot setback. 

Public Drinking Water Sources

If you are applying manure near a public drinking water source, you should also check with the Public Water System (PWS) or land use authority. Some municipalities and counties have additional source protection ordinances that may limit or restrict manure application near public supply wells. Required setbacks for drinking water source wells are established in R309-600 and must be followed when applicable to a CAFO’s land application area.