Yard & Garden Video Segments

Yard and Garden
Whether it's buy one, get one free, free shipping with purchase, or buying several items to get half off, "spaving" – spending more to save more – is great for advertisers, but can wreak havoc on personal budgets.
“Spaving”: The Costly Trap of Spending More to Save More

“Spaving”: The Costly Trap of Spending More to Save More

Whether it's buy one, get one free, free shipping with purchase, or buying several items to get half off, "spaving" – spending more to save more – is great for advertisers, but can wreak havoc on personal budgets.

Yard and Garden
Assistant professor of Horticulture with Utah State University Extension, Sheriden Hansen, shares your fall yard and garden checklist.
Fall Gardening Checklist: 7 Things to Do to Get the Yard Ready for Next Spring

Fall Gardening Checklist: 7 Things to Do to Get the Yard Ready for Next Spring

Assistant professor of Horticulture with Utah State University Extension, Sheriden Hansen, shares your fall yard and garden checklist.

Yard and Garden
If you have troublesome clay, sandy, or loam-y Utah soil, fall is the time to do something about it. We’re not talking expensive soil enhancers. Instead, you might try to grow a cover crop. Sheriden Hansen shares what kinds of crops to plant now to get yo
Get the 411 on Cover Crops! These Late Season Seeds Will Prep Your Garden for Spring

Get the 411 on Cover Crops! These Late Season Seeds Will Prep Your Garden for Spring

If you have troublesome clay, sandy, or loam-y Utah soil, fall is the time to do something about it. We’re not talking expensive soil enhancers. Instead, you might try to grow a cover crop. Sheriden Hansen shares what kinds of crops to plant now to get yo...

Yard and Garden
Salt Lake City Public Utilities partnered with Utah State University's Center for Water-Efficient Landscaping and the Turfgrass Water Conservation Alliance to come up with the special blend of tall fescue and low-water Kentucky Bluegrass.
A Special Turf That Uses Less Water in Utah’s Drought Is Growing in Popularity

A Special Turf That Uses Less Water in Utah’s Drought Is Growing in Popularity

Salt Lake City Public Utilities partnered with Utah State University's Center for Water-Efficient Landscaping and the Turfgrass Water Conservation Alliance to come up with the special blend of tall fescue and low-water Kentucky Bluegrass.

Yard and Garden
Most plants face the sun; they love the day, but some take on a new look after dark. With a little knowledge you can keep an eye on what makes your garden glow. Sheriden Hansen helps us understand the world of gardening after dark.
Moon Gardening: 10 Things That Will Make Your Yard Glow at Night

Moon Gardening: 10 Things That Will Make Your Yard Glow at Night

Most plants face the sun; they love the day, but some take on a new look after dark. With a little knowledge you can keep an eye on what makes your garden glow. Sheriden Hansen helps us understand the world of gardening after dark.

Yard and Garden
Most plants face the sun; they love the day, but some take on a new look after dark. With a little knowledge you can keep an eye on what makes your garden glow. Sheriden Hansen helps us understand the world of gardening after dark.
Moon Gardening: 10 Things That Will Make Your Yard Glow at Night

Moon Gardening: 10 Things That Will Make Your Yard Glow at Night

Most plants face the sun; they love the day, but some take on a new look after dark. With a little knowledge you can keep an eye on what makes your garden glow. Sheriden Hansen helps us understand the world of gardening after dark.

Yard and Garden
Most plants face the sun; they love the day, but some take on a new look after dark. With a little knowledge you can keep an eye on what makes your garden glow. Sheriden Hansen helps us understand the world of gardening after dark.
Moon Gardening: 10 Things That Will Make Your Yard Glow at Night

Moon Gardening: 10 Things That Will Make Your Yard Glow at Night

Most plants face the sun; they love the day, but some take on a new look after dark. With a little knowledge you can keep an eye on what makes your garden glow. Sheriden Hansen helps us understand the world of gardening after dark.

Yard and Garden
Your lawn is probably getting better with each watering and each sunny day. But some of us are still patching over the lawn damage from last year’s heat and the winter’s long cold. Sheriden Hansen helps us revive the lawn.
Lawn looking less than lush? Here are 5 ways to revive it for the summer season

Lawn looking less than lush? Here are 5 ways to revive it for the summer season

Your lawn is probably getting better with each watering and each sunny day. But some of us are still patching over the lawn damage from last year’s heat and the winter’s long cold. Sheriden Hansen helps us revive the lawn.

Yard and Garden
Voles are tearing up yards, and in some cases, wreaking havoc on lawns in Cache Valley. Every several years, the populations explode, and some of the experts say the cover from the snow this year is helping keep them hidden from predators.
Snow Cover Allows Vole Populations to Thrive in Cache Valley

Snow Cover Allows Vole Populations to Thrive in Cache Valley

Voles are tearing up yards, and in some cases, wreaking havoc on lawns in Cache Valley. Every several years, the populations explode, and some of the experts say the cover from the snow this year is helping keep them hidden from predators.

Yard and Garden
We've had a long winter, and a slow start to spring, so many who have green thumbs are just itching to get their gardening on! Michael Caron, Associate Professor at USU Extension, joined us with some help to make this year successful in your yard.
Hey Green Thumbs: Are You Itching to Get Your Gardening On?

Hey Green Thumbs: Are You Itching to Get Your Gardening On?

We've had a long winter, and a slow start to spring, so many who have green thumbs are just itching to get their gardening on! Michael Caron, Associate Professor at USU Extension, joined us with some help to make this year successful in your yard.

Yard and Garden
With the cost of eggs being so high and Easter right around the corner, many people have been starting to raise their own chickens to combat this problem. Dr. David Frame, the USU Extensions Poultry Specialist and Veterinarian, joined us to talk about som
How to Raise Chickens in Your Backyard

How to Raise Chickens in Your Backyard

With the cost of eggs being so high and Easter right around the corner, many people have been starting to raise their own chickens to combat this problem. Dr. David Frame, the USU Extensions Poultry Specialist and Veterinarian, joined us to talk about som...

Yard and Garden
Every January our fashion and design friends buzz about the color of the year. In 2023, the Pantone color is magenta. You may not know, however, that the gardening world has their own color, and their own buzz.
The Gardener’s Color of the Year Is… Terracotta! Here’s How to Use It in Your Yard

The Gardener’s Color of the Year Is… Terracotta! Here’s How to Use It in Your Yard

Every January our fashion and design friends buzz about the color of the year. In 2023, the Pantone color is magenta. You may not know, however, that the gardening world has their own color, and their own buzz.

Yard and Garden
With dropping temperatures, now is the time to start thinking about gardening indoors. Horticulturist Sheriden Hansen says one great way to do this is to add a citrus tree to your home.
Grow a Citrus Tree in Your Kitchen! Here Are 8 Ways to Make Sure It Thrives

Grow a Citrus Tree in Your Kitchen! Here Are 8 Ways to Make Sure It Thrives

With dropping temperatures, now is the time to start thinking about gardening indoors. Horticulturist Sheriden Hansen says one great way to do this is to add a citrus tree to your home.

Yard and Garden
Your porch is like a stage presented to the neighborhood. Style it up with pretty pots filled with all kinds of plants! You can even put pumpkins and butternut squash inside for an unexpected fall touch. Sheriden Hansen shares some unique and seasonal way
Broccoli in Your Porch Pots?! Fill Your Fall Planters With Colorful Veggies and Flowers

Broccoli in Your Porch Pots?! Fill Your Fall Planters With Colorful Veggies and Flowers

Your porch is like a stage presented to the neighborhood. Style it up with pretty pots filled with all kinds of plants! You can even put pumpkins and butternut squash inside for an unexpected fall touch. Sheriden Hansen shares some unique and seasonal way...

Yard and Garden
Horticulturist Sheriden Hansen shares details about a new gardening term: firescaping!
Firescape Your Yard! Here Is What to Plant to Increase Your Safety

Firescape Your Yard! Here Is What to Plant to Increase Your Safety

Horticulturist Sheriden Hansen shares details about a new gardening term: firescaping!

Yard and Garden
Sheriden Hansen shares how to add drama and interest into your garden with dark foliage.
Pull in Some Dark Foliage! Here’s How to Use Rich Colors in Your Yard

Pull in Some Dark Foliage! Here’s How to Use Rich Colors in Your Yard

Sheriden Hansen shares how to add drama and interest into your garden with dark foliage.

Yard and Garden
A bouquet of fresh flowers at home is one of life’s little luxuries! With a little planning, you can have the satisfaction of cutting fresh flowers from your own yard. Horticulturist Sheriden Hansen has the strategies for success, and shares why now is a
Grow Your Own Bouquet! You Can Plant a Cutting Garden With This Expert Advice

Grow Your Own Bouquet! You Can Plant a Cutting Garden With This Expert Advice

A bouquet of fresh flowers at home is one of life’s little luxuries! With a little planning, you can have the satisfaction of cutting fresh flowers from your own yard. Horticulturist Sheriden Hansen has the strategies for success, and shares why now is a

Yard and Garden
As you are gathering in the first crops from your summer garden, it’s already time to think about fall planting. A succession planting method brings garden produce in stages, right up until it snows. Sheriden Hansen is turning our attention to this garden
Think About the Fall Garden Now! Here’s Your Guide to Succession Planting

Think About the Fall Garden Now! Here’s Your Guide to Succession Planting

As you are gathering in the first crops from your summer garden, it’s already time to think about fall planting. A succession planting method brings garden produce in stages, right up until it snows. Sheriden Hansen is turning our attention to this garden...

Yard and Garden
Horticulturist Sheriden Hansen shares why handling the lawn in a low water year has a better outlook than you might think.
You Can Have a Green Lawn With Low Water! Here Are 3 Important Things to Do

You Can Have a Green Lawn With Low Water! Here Are 3 Important Things to Do

Horticulturist Sheriden Hansen shares why handling the lawn in a low water year has a better outlook than you might think.

Yard and Garden
When it comes to home gardens and flowers, roses are as classic as they come! But if you have them, you probably know they can be high maintenance. Are these oh-so popular flowers still worth your time and energy?
The Best Roses for Your Garden: 5 Varieties and How to Care For Them

The Best Roses for Your Garden: 5 Varieties and How to Care For Them

When it comes to home gardens and flowers, roses are as classic as they come! But if you have them, you probably know they can be high maintenance. Are these oh-so popular flowers still worth your time and energy?

Yard and Garden
Katie Wagner with USU extension tells us more about this process of evapotranspiration and how we can help our plants by managing watering cycles and changing our mowing habits for our lawns.
Understanding Evapotranspiration in Your Efforts to Keep Plants Alive During Drought

Understanding Evapotranspiration in Your Efforts to Keep Plants Alive During Drought

Katie Wagner with USU extension tells us more about this process of evapotranspiration and how we can help our plants by managing watering cycles and changing our mowing habits for our lawns.

Yard and Garden
Sheriden Hansen says there are perennials that need water, less than once a week, that still promise vibrant color and bloom throughout the hot summer. She shares water-wise perennials that still pack a punch in your landscaping.
Beautiful Flowers, Less Water! 5 Plants That Can Survive With Little Watering

Beautiful Flowers, Less Water! 5 Plants That Can Survive With Little Watering

Sheriden Hansen says there are perennials that need water, less than once a week, that still promise vibrant color and bloom throughout the hot summer. She shares water-wise perennials that still pack a punch in your landscaping.

Yard and Garden
Sheriden Hansen, USU Extension Horticulturalist, shares the top five trees that thrive in Utah’s conditions. Even in a drought trees are worth planting because they add shade, add landscape interest, purify the air, add privacy, and reduce air temperature
Top 5 Best Trees to Plant That Thrive in Utah’s Climate

Top 5 Best Trees to Plant That Thrive in Utah’s Climate

Sheriden Hansen, USU Extension Horticulturalist, shares the top five trees that thrive in Utah’s conditions. Even in a drought trees are worth planting because they add shade, add landscape interest, purify the air, add privacy, and reduce air temperature...

Yard and Garden
Your porch is like a stage presented to the neighborhood. Style it up with pretty pots filled with all kinds of plants! You can even put pumpkins and butternut squash inside for an unexpected fall touch. Sheriden Hansen shares some unique and seasonal way
Broccoli in Your Porch Pots?! Fill Your Fall Planters With Colorful Veggies and Flowers

Broccoli in Your Porch Pots?! Fill Your Fall Planters With Colorful Veggies and Flowers

Your porch is like a stage presented to the neighborhood. Style it up with pretty pots filled with all kinds of plants! You can even put pumpkins and butternut squash inside for an unexpected fall touch. Sheriden Hansen shares some unique and seasonal way...

Yard and Garden
Weeds are a constant garden battle. They crop up everywhere, and there is only so much hand pulling you can do before your knees are sore and your back is tired. Sheriden Hansen shares seven things to add to your gardening tool kit that will take care of
Win the weed war! Control weeds in your garden with these 7 tools

Win the weed war! Control weeds in your garden with these 7 tools

Weeds are a constant garden battle. They crop up everywhere, and there is only so much hand pulling you can do before your knees are sore and your back is tired. Sheriden Hansen shares seven things to add to your gardening tool kit that will take care of

Yard and Garden
We love to get out in the garden, but what about the kids? Studies show that children are five times more likely to eat vegetables they grow themselves! Sheriden Hansen shares all the things children gain from getting into the garden.
Gardening With Kids: Here Are 6 Reasons to Let Them Get Their Hands Dirty

Gardening With Kids: Here Are 6 Reasons to Let Them Get Their Hands Dirty

We love to get out in the garden, but what about the kids? Studies show that children are five times more likely to eat vegetables they grow themselves! Sheriden Hansen shares all the things children gain from getting into the garden.

Yard and Garden
It’s prime time for bugs, and your garden might be suffering right about now. If you have limp leaves and stripped stems, it’s time to kick the pests out! Horticulturist Sheriden Hansen shares three of the most common garden pests she’s seeing out and abo
Got bugs? Here are 3 common garden pests and how to get rid of them

Got bugs? Here are 3 common garden pests and how to get rid of them

It’s prime time for bugs, and your garden might be suffering right about now. If you have limp leaves and stripped stems, it’s time to kick the pests out! Horticulturist Sheriden Hansen shares three of the most common garden pests she’s seeing out and abo...

Yard and Garden
You can plant all the pretty annuals and perennials, but a flowerbed isn’t complete without some good groundcover. These plants fill in the empty spaces perfectly, and add a finishing touch to your planters. Sheriden Hansen shares some of her favorite gro
Best Groundcovers: These Are the Top 8 Plants to Fill Out Your Flowerbeds

Best Groundcovers: These Are the Top 8 Plants to Fill Out Your Flowerbeds

You can plant all the pretty annuals and perennials, but a flowerbed isn’t complete without some good groundcover. These plants fill in the empty spaces perfectly, and add a finishing touch to your planters. Sheriden Hansen shares some of her favorite gro...

Yard and Garden
Fresh strawberries are out in stores! This summer berry is delicious no matter where you get it, but there is just something about a strawberry picked from your own garden. Horticulturist Sheriden Hansen shares three secrets that will make planting your o
Growing strawberries? Here are 3 secrets for planting this easy-grow crop

Growing strawberries? Here are 3 secrets for planting this easy-grow crop

Fresh strawberries are out in stores! This summer berry is delicious no matter where you get it, but there is just something about a strawberry picked from your own garden. Horticulturist Sheriden Hansen shares three secrets that will make planting your o...

Yard and Garden
Pollinators are key to a thriving outdoor landscape. They don’t usually come into your garden of their own accord. Bees, hummingbirds, and even some beetles need a reason to come and enjoy your space. Sheriden Hansen shares how to attract pollinators into
Fill your garden with bees and hummingbirds! Attract pollinators by planting the right flowers

Fill your garden with bees and hummingbirds! Attract pollinators by planting the right flowers

Pollinators are key to a thriving outdoor landscape. They don’t usually come into your garden of their own accord. Bees, hummingbirds, and even some beetles need a reason to come and enjoy your space. Sheriden Hansen shares how to attract pollinators into...

Yard and Garden
Are you a gardening die hard, or do you find it more of a chore? If you fall into that second group, some new gear might get you excited to get out and dig in the dirt! Horticulturist Sheriden Hansen shares the best new gardening gear to check out.
Add new garden gear to your tool belt! These 9 things are the best gadgets on the market

Add new garden gear to your tool belt! These 9 things are the best gadgets on the market

Are you a gardening die hard, or do you find it more of a chore? If you fall into that second group, some new gear might get you excited to get out and dig in the dirt! Horticulturist Sheriden Hansen shares the best new gardening gear to check out.

Yard and Garden
Easter is a few weeks away, but if you want to grow some fresh, green grass to fill baskets or top tables, you need to plant it now! It’s pretty easy to find and sprout if you do it right.
Get Your Easter Grass Growing

Get Your Easter Grass Growing

Easter is a few weeks away, but if you want to grow some fresh, green grass to fill baskets or top tables, you need to plant it now! It’s pretty easy to find and sprout if you do it right.

Yard and Garden
With spring on the horizon, it’s time to get excited about gardening! If you are starting seeds, you should get going now.
Start Seeds the Right Way With This Expert Advice

Start Seeds the Right Way With This Expert Advice

With spring on the horizon, it’s time to get excited about gardening! If you are starting seeds, you should get going now.

Yard and Garden
October is the perfect time to plant those spring-blooming bulbs like tulips and daffodils. Assemble your tools and bulbs (make sure they are healthy without mold) and get them planted before the soil freezes. For a beautiful splash of color, plant them i
As Seen on Studio 5: Fall Is the Time to Plant Bulbs so You'll Have Them Blooming by Spring

As Seen on Studio 5: Fall Is the Time to Plant Bulbs so You'll Have Them Blooming by Spring

October is the perfect time to plant those spring-blooming bulbs like tulips and daffodils. Assemble your tools and bulbs (make sure they are healthy without mold) and get them planted before the soil freezes. For a beautiful splash of color, plant them i...

Yard and Garden
Sheriden Hansen, USU Extension Horticulturalist shows how to save and store seeds from your garden and shares the benefits of saving seeds for next year's garden.
As Seen on Studio 5: Saving and Storing Seeds for Next Year

As Seen on Studio 5: Saving and Storing Seeds for Next Year

Sheriden Hansen, USU Extension Horticulturalist shows how to save and store seeds from your garden and shares the benefits of saving seeds for next year's garden.