Utah Water Watch

The UWW program is dedicated to the collection of water quality data for education and watershed management.

What is Utah Water Watch?

Utah Water Watch (UWW) is a statewide, public water quality monitoring program open to volunteers of all ages. We engage volunteers in water quality education and data collection by providing the knowledge, training, and resources needed to examine the health of Utah’s lakes and streams. Our program seeks to increase awareness about the importance of water quality and empower the public to learn and share knowledge about their local watersheds and practice good stewardship. The UWW program is managed by USU Water Quality Extension in partnership with the Utah Division of Water Quality.


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Contact Us

Utah Water Watch

Phone: 435-797-2580
Email: utahwaterwatch@gmail.com

Mailing Address:
USU Water Quality Extension
5210 Old Main Hill
Logan, UT 84322-5210

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