Equipment and Supplies

Surface Water Model

This realistic surface water model demonstrates how water and pollutants move across a watershed. The model also can also demonstrate the effectiveness of different management practices. It is interactive, hands on, and great for all ages.

Model is usually available in the following county offices: Beaver, Cache, Carbon, Duchesne, Emery, Grand, Iron, Piute, Salt Lake, San Juan, Washington, Wayne, and Weber.

surface water model


Groundwater Model

This cross-section model demonstrates how water and pollutants move through the groundwater. It is a great visual aid for understanding water tables, subsurface water and pollution movement.

Model is usually available in the following county offices: Beaver, Cache, Duchesne, Emery, Garfield, Iron, Kane, Millard, Piute, Salt Lake, Sanpete, Summit, Tooele, Uintah, Wasatch, Washington, and Weber.

groundwater model

Monitoring Equipment

The monitoring equipment necessary to conduct monitoring identified in Utah Stream Team, Stream Side Science, or Bugs Don’t Bug Us are available for checkout at most county offices (contact information below). Kits include: dissolved oxygen, temperature, turbidity, nitrates, pH, macroinvertebrate collection supplies, and instructions.

monitoring equipment

County Office Equipment and Supplies

Contact the USU Extension Office nearest you to see which models and equipment are available. You can find the contact info for each location here, or checkout the map below.