How to Find Your Consumer Confidence Report

A Consumer Confidence Report (CCR) tells you where your water comes from, the level of contaminants in it, and the likely source of the contamination, along with the accepted levels of each contaminant.


Find Your Water Provider

Likely you already know who provides your water. If not, the EPA website has a database detailing water providers that can be filtered by county. This is also useful if you are interested in the water quality of a campground or neighboring city.

Navigate to Water Provider's Website

Once you know who provides your water, a simple Google search can help you find your CCR. For example, if you lived in Logan, Utah, you could search "Logan City consumer confidence report," or "Logan City water quality report." These terms are often used interchangeably.

Google search for logan city water quality

Learn About Your Water

CCRs are provided in PDF format, so once you find it, all you have to do is open it and read it!

screenshot of consumer confidence reportscreenshot of consumer confidence report