
Common Name Botanical Name Description
Mojave Globemallow Sphaeralcea Ambigua Low desert perennial, orange flowers
Desert Marigold Baileya Multiradiata Low desert perennial, yellow flowers
Palmer Penstemon Penstemon Palmeri Sand desert perennial, light pink flowers
Hopi Blanketflower Gaillardia Pinnatifida Sand desert perennial, orange flowers
Pale Evening Primrose Oenothera Pallida Sand desert perennial herb
Prince's Plume Stanleya Pinnata Rock/outcrops perennial herb, yellow plumelike flowers
Utah Penstemon Penstemon Utahensis Rock/outcrops perennial herb, red tubular flowers
Firecracker Penstemon Penstemon Eatonii Rock/outcrops perennial herb, red tubilar flowers
Desert Larkspur Delphinium Scaposum Rock/outcrops perennial herb, purple flowers
Indian Paintbrush Castilleja Chromosa Rock/outcrops perennial, red flowers
Sundrops Calylophus Hartwegii Yellow flowering, does well in sunny, hot areas
Chocolate Flower Berlandiera Lyrata Fragrant yellow blooms
Coneflower Echinacea Purpurea Purple flowers, blooms most of summer
Columbine Aquilegia Likes well-drained soil
Verbena Verbena sp. Available in many colors
Lantana Lantana sp. Low growing, evergreen shrubs
Ice Plant (Various Genera) Low growing, succulent ground cover
Autumn Sage Salvia Greggii Small shrub, blooms summer and fall
Salvia Salvia sp. Many types of this perennial
Coreopsis Coreopsis sp. Yellow flowering, about 1-2 ft. tall
Yarrow Achillea sp. Tall erect growth habit, more are yellow
Lavender Lavendula Fragrant purple flowers
Lirope Liriope Muscari Green grass-like leaves in clumps-purple bloom
Four O' Clock Mirabilus Multiflora Magenta colored flowers in clumps
Phlox Phlox sp. Many perennial types, most are yellow or white
Russian Sage Perovskia Atriplicifolia Wood shrub, mass pf purple flowers
Red Hot Poker Kniphofia sp. Dense foliage producing yellow-orange flowers