The 4-H Horse Program is for youth in 3rd grade and up, and at least 8 years of age. Participants must have their own horse, tack, and transportation to and from events. This program covers western riding and speed events such as ranch riding, showmanship, poles, barrels, keyhole, and much more. We host a total of 6 shows per year; 3 being Judged shows and 3 being speed shows. You can choose to start your own club with friends and family or join an existing club. Contact the USU Washington County 4-H Office to see what is available.
The cost for the program is $35 and includes insurance, awards, and activities.
- 2023-2024 Rule Book
- Western Study Material
- Western Show Events Rotation
- Show Volunteers
The 4-H Working Ranch Horse Program provides an opportunity for youth to be involved in western horsemanship activities beyond the traditional show ring. Participants learn the age-old techniques of handling livestock while on horseback. Activities include Cattle Sorting, Reining Working Cow Horse, and Roping.
- Working Ranch Horse Training Guide
- Competition Rules
- Competition Rules - Intermediate
- Competition Rules - Senior
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The Utah 4-H Equine English Program is an excellent avenue for youth to get involved with the basics of English riding. From equitation to hunt seat, riders will learn the proper balance and timing that comes with English riding. Youth also get the opportunity to exhibit what they have learned through county and state horse shows.
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This program is for youth that do not have a horse or who are looking at purchasing a horse, and want to learn more about what it takes. This is a fun hands-on program where youth will be able to interact with a horse and learn more about the parts of a horse, colors and breeds, the tack, and even riding styles. This program is offered twice a year depending on local interest and volunteer availability. If you are interested, please contact the USU Washington County Extension Office.
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The Utah 4-H Western Horse Program focuses on teaching youth to work with a project horse throughout the year, and be tested on their equine knowledge. The youth are given the opportunity to show their horses in multiple western disciplines including western horsemanship, showmanship at halter, western pleasure, trail, western riding, and reining. The shows also offer three speed events that may include barrel racing, pole bending, key hole, gymkhana, scurry, and quadrangle. The Western horse program is one of the largest project areas within Utah 4-H.
2023 Show Schedule - All Horse Shows
Show | Date | Category | Details |
Show 1 | March 27 | Judge Show | (Washington County Legacy Park) Test opens at 5:00, mandatory meeting 5:45, show starts at 6:00. |
Show 2 | April 17 | Speed Show (Fair Show) |
(Washington County Legacy Park) Practice show on your own Test opens at 5:00, mandatory meeting 5:45, show starts at 6:00. |
Show 3 | May 8 | Judge Show | (Hurricane American Legion Equine Park) Test opens at 6:00, mandatory meeting 6:45, show starts at 7:00. |
Show 4 | May 22 | Speed Show | (Hurricane American Legion Equine Park) Test opens at 6:00, mandatory meeting 6:45, show starts at 7:00. |
Show 5 | June 5 | Speed Show |
(Hurricane American Legion Equine Park) Test opens at 7:00, mandatory meeting 7:45, show starts at 8:00. |
Show 6 | June 17 | Judge Show |
(CCEC Summer Games Diamond Z Park, Cedar City) Test opens TBA |
Show | Date | Time | Details |
Club Gathering | TBA | Jones Family Arena New Harmony |
4-H Horse Council

4-H Program
Phone: 435 773-8182

4-H County Office - Zsuite Registration
Phone: 435-301-7745
Vice President of Western Horse Shows
Phone: 435 632-5039

Club Leader, Vice President of Judging and Rules
Phone: 435 703-4112
Phone: 435 467-7663
Phone: 435 619-1884
Phone: 435 669-4189

Club Leader, Treasure, Volunteers for Western Horse Shows
Phone: 435 879-1688
Horse Bylaws
Message from the Horse Council
Our horse program is a year round program that incorporates on the horse and off the horse education. 4-H is all bout raising kids, not horses. The horse project allows us to teach youth a great deal about responsibility, animal care, team work, training and teaching skills, nutrition, communication and so much more!