Fall Is the Time to Plant Bulbs so You'll Have Them Blooming by Spring
October is the perfect time to plant those spring-blooming bulbs like tulips and daffodils.
Assemble your tools and bulbs (make sure they are healthy without mold) and get them planted before the soil freezes. For a beautiful splash of color, plant them in mass rather than scattering them 1 by 1.
Buying a High-Quality Bulb
- Check to see that it has a nice paper covering.
- Check each bulb in the package for quality.
Planting Bulbs
- Plant them at least 2 times deeper than the height of the bulb.
- Plant about 4-6 inches into the ground.
Making Your Bulbs Pop
- Plant in groups of three to five next to each other.
- Plant them no more than 2 inches apart.
- Water only one time before the winter.
Storing Your Bulbs
- Keep in a cool place like a cellar or garage.
- Cover up with a garbage bag and tape if left outside.
More gardening tips at garden.usu.edu.
Studio 5
Now is the time to plant fall bulbs! These pro tips will have them blooming by spring
Sheridan Hansen
USU Extension
(435) 919-1335