Insecticides for Small-Scale Root Crop Production

Insecticides registered for small-scale use on root crops (beets, carrot, radish, parsnip, and turnip) in Utah, organized by Mode of Action (MoA).

Primary Active Ingredient

Brand Name


Residual Days




Flea Beetle


acephate Bonide Systemic Insect Control 1B 7 X        
bifenthrin Bonide Eight Flower & Vegetable Soil Insect Granules, Hi-Yield Vegetable & Ornamental Insect Control Granules 3A 2-3 wks   X     X
GardenTech Sevin Insect Killer Dust X X X X  
Ferti-lome Broad Spectrum Insecticide, Ferti-lome Broad Spectrum Insecticide RTS X X X X X
cyfluthrin BioAdvanced Tomato & Vegetable Insect Killer RTU, BioAdvanced Tomato & Vegetable Insect Killer RTS 3A 10-14 X X X X X
deltamethrin Hi-Yield Multi-Use Dust, Ortho Insect Killer Flower & Vegetable Garden Dust 3A 14 X X X X  
lambda-cyhalothrin GardenTech Sevin RTU 3A 10-14 X X X X  
Bonide Eight Garden & Home RTU,  Spectracide Trizicide Insect Killer for Lawns & Landscapes RTU 3A X X X X X
permethrin Bonide Eigth Vegetable, Fruit, & Flower Concentrate, Bonide Eight Yard & Garden RTS, Bonide Insect Control Garden Dust, Hi-Yield Garden & Farm Insect Control, Hi-Yield Garden, Pet, & Livestock Dust 3A 14 X X X X X
pyrethrinsᴼ Monterey Bug Buster-O, Natria Snail and Slug Killer Bait Granules 3A 5-7 X X X X X
zeta-cypermethrin GardenTech Sevin Insect Killer Concentrate, GardenTech Sevin Insect Killer RTS 3A 10-14 X X X X  
bifenthrin + zeta-cypermethrin GardenTech Insect Killer Lawn Granules 3A 2-3 wks X X X X X
pyrethrinsᴼ + canola oilᴼ Epsoma Organic Insect Control 3A/UN 5-7 X X X X X
pyrethrinsᴼ + neem oilᴼ Ferti-lome Triple Action, Ferti-lome Triple Action Plus RTU 3A/UN 5-7 X X X X X
pyrethrinsᴼ + piperonyl butoxide Bonide Pyrthein Garden Spray Concentrate 3A/UN   X X X X X
pyrethrinsᴼ + potassium salts of fatty acidsᴼ Safer Brand Insecticidsal Soap + Pyrehrin Concentrate 3A/ UN 5-7 X        
malathion Bonide Malathion Concentrate, Hi-Yield 55% Malathion Spray, Ortho MAX Malathion Insect Spray Concentrate, Spectracide Malathion Insect Spray Concentrate 3B 5-7 X X X X  
imiclacloprid Bonide Systemic Insect Spray, BioAdvanced Fruit, Citrus, & Vegetable Insect Control Concentrate 4A N/A X        
Monterey Fruit Tree & Vegetable Systemic Soil Drench X     X  
spinosadᴼ Bonide Colorado Potato Beetle Beater, Monterey Garden Insect Spray, Natural Guard Spinosad Concentrate, Natural Guard Spinosad RTS 5 7-10   X X   X
Bonide Captain Jack’s Deadbug Brew Concentrate   X X X X
Bonide Captain Jack’s Deadbug Brew Dust   X   X X
Bacillus thuringiensisᴼ Bonide Captain Jack’s BT,  Bonide Thuricide (BT) Concentrate, Monterey B.T., Monterey B.T. RTU 11 5-7   X X    
Bacillus thuringiensis var. Kurstakiᴼ Natural Guard Caterpillar Killer Spray, Natural Guard Caterpillar Killar Spray with BT RTU
5-7   X      
Safer Brand Caterpillar II Concentrate   X X    
Ferti-lome Dipel Dust Biological Insecticide   X      
sulfurᴼ GardenTech Sevin Sulfur Dust UN 7-10 X        
sulfurᴼ + pyrethrinsᴼ BioAdvanced Fruit & Vegetable 3-in-1 Solution Concentrate, BioAdvanced Fruit & Vegetable 3-in-1 Solution RTU, Natria Insect, Disease, and Mite Control RTU, Natria Insect Disease, and Mite Control RTS UN/3A 10-14 X X X X X
canola oilᴼ Natural Guard Horticultural Oil Concentrate, Natural Guard Horticultural Oil Concentrate RTS UN 3 X        
neem oilᴼ BioAdvanced Organics Neem Oil RTU,  Epsoma Organic Neem Oil 3n1, Monterey 70% Neem Oil,  Natural Guard Neem Concentrate,  Natural Guard Neem RTU,  Natria Neem Concentrate, Natria Neem Oil RTU UN 3 X        
Monterey Neem Oil RTU UN X X X X  
cotton seed oilᴼ + clove oilᴼ + garlic oilᴼ Bonide Mite X RTU UN 3 X        
cotton seed oilᴼ + clove oilᴼ + rosemary oilᴼ Monterey All Natural Snail & Slug Spray RTU UN 3 X        
iron phosphate Bonide Captain Jack’s Slug Magic Granules UN 2-4 wks         X
potassium salts of fatty acidsᴼ BioAdvanced Organics Insecticidal Soap RTU,  Epsoma Organic Insect Soap, Natria Insecticidal Soap RTU, Natural Guard Insecticidal Soap UN 3 X        
Bonide Insecticidal Soap UN X       X
potassium salts of fatty acidsᴼ + neem oilᴼ Safer Brand RTU End ALL Insect Killer UN 5-7 X       X
potassium salts of fatty acidsᴼ + seaweed extractᴼ Safer Brand Insect Killing Soap RTU Spray UN 5-7 X       X
iron phosphate + spinosadᴼ Bonide Captain Jack’s Bug & Slug Killer, Monterey Sluggo Plus, Natural Guard Bug, Slug, & Snail Bait UN/5 2-4 wks   X     X
potassium salts of fatty acidsᴼ + spinosadᴼ Bonide Insecticidal Super Soap RTU, BioAdvanced Organic Tomato, Vegetable, & Fruit RTU,  Monterey Garden Insect Spray RTU,  Natural Guard Spinosad Soap Concentrate, Natural Guard Spinosad Soap RTU, Natural Guard Spinosad Soap RTS UN/5 5-7 X X X X X
potassium salts of fatty acidsᴼ + sulfurᴼ Safer Brand Insect Killing Soap Concentrate, Safer Brand Tomato & Vegetable 3-in-1 Garden Spray,  Safer Brand 3-in-1 Concentrate, Safer Brand 3-in-1 RTU Garden Spray UN 7-10 X        
mineral oilᴼ Safer Brand Horticultural & Dormant Spray Oil Concentrate UN 3 X        
silicon dioxide Bonide Diatomaceous Earth UN 7-14 X X X X X
Natural Guard Diatomaceous Earth Crawling Insect Control UN         X

Note: All products listed in this table are registered trademarks. The list is not all-inclusive, but provides examples of products that are available for small acreage and home use. Always review the product label for the specific crop you are treating, targeted pests, safety information, and preharvest intervals. All product information was reference in 2023 from various major personal-use pesticide suppliers.
O = Organic Active Ingredient