Title | Authors | Presentation Date/Year | Links |
Greater Sage-Grouse Brood Responses to Livestock Grazing in Sagebrush Rangelands | Hailey Wayment | 2022 | Powerpoint |
HAF Seasonal Model Training | Michel Kohl and Simona Picardi | March 2021 | Video Recording |
Sage-grouse Habitat Selection at the Southern Periphery of their Range | Simona Picardi, T. Messmer, B. Crabb, M. Kohl, D. Dahlgren, N. Frey, R. Larsen, and R. Baxter | 2021 | PDF Slides |
Greater Sage-grouse Responses to Livestock Grazing in Semi-Arid Sagebrush Rangelands | Backen, C., and T.A. Messmer | 2021 | Annual Report |
Considerations for Sagebrush Canopy Reduction Projects in Sage-grouse Country | David Dahlgren | October 15, 2020 | Video Recording |
Pinyon/Juniper Removal Cost Benefit Tool | Simona Picardi and Justin Small | November 10, 2020 | Video Recording |
Video recording of sage-grouse at lek | Todd A. Black | 2014 in Rich County, UT | YouTube Link |
Utah Sage-Grouse | November 3, 2016 | YouTube Link | |
Park Valley Field Season 2017 & Mapping Sage-grouse Movements and Habitat Utilization | Justin Small, Terry Messmer, and Michael Kohl | September 19, 2017 | PDF Slides |
Lesson's Learned From Sagebrush Management - Webinar | David Dahlgren | January 2016 | YouTube Link |
Ecology of Greater Sage-grouse in the Morgan-Summit SGMA: Conservation Implications for Managers | Brandon Flack | Aug. 5, 2015 | PDF Slides |
Factors Influencing the Ecology of Greater Sage-grouse in the Bear Lake Plateau and Valley, Idaho-Utah | Casey Cardinal | 2015 | PDF Slides |
Greater Sage-Grouse Response to Season-long and Prescribed Rotational Livestock Grazing 2014 Research Review | Seth Dettenmaier | Jan. 7, 2015 | PDF Slides |
Greater Sage-grouse Seasonal Habitat Models, Response to Juniper Reduction and Effects of Capture Behavior on Vital Rates in Northwestern Utah | Avery Cook | April 6, 2015 | PDF Slides |
Greater Sage-grouse Response to Season-long and Prescribed Rotational Livestock Grazing on Paired Ecological Sites | Seth Dettenmaier | November 2014 | PDF Slides |
Sage-grouse Seasonal Movements and Utah's SGMAs | Dave Dahlgren, Terry Messmer, and Randy Larsen | March 2014 | PDF Slides |
Effects of Landscape Scale Environmental Variation on Greater Sage-grouse Chick Survival | Dave Dahlgren and Michael Guttery | March 2014 | PDF Slides |
Sage-grouse Population Modeling | Dave Dahlgren, Michael Guttery, and David Koons | March 2014 | PDF Slides |
Unique Habitat Use in a Fringe Greater Sage-grouse Population | Cheyenne Burnett | 2013 | Video Recording |
The Effect of Fences on Greater Sage-grouse Within Two Small Populations in Southwestern Utah | Heather H. McPherron and S. Nicki Frey | 2012 | PDF Slides |
Unique Habitat Use in a Greater Sage-grouse Fringe Population | Cheyenne Burnett and Nicki Frey | 2012 | Poster |
Conserving a Western Icon: Problems and Progress in Understanding Greater Sage-grouse Ecology and Management | Michael Guttery | 2012 | PDF Slides |
Development of statewide 30 meter winter sage-grouse habitat models for Utah | Benn Crabb and Todd Black | 2011 | Report |
Mitigating threats to Greater sage-grouse through sagebrush-steppe habitat manipulations | Stephanie Graham and Terry Messmer | November 2011 | Poster |
Presentations made to County Commissions or Councils | Spring of 2011 |
Box Elder |
Factors influencing the Ecology of Greater Sage-Grouse on the Bear Lake Valley, Utah-Idaho Current Research Progress and Future Research Plans | Casey Cardinal | 2011 | PDF Slides |
Mitigating threats to Greater sage-grouse through shrub-steppe habitat manipulations | Stephanie Graham | 2011 | PDF Slides |
Factors influencing the ecology of Greater sage-grouse in the Bear Lake Valley, Idaho-Utah | Casey Cardinal | 2011 | PDF Slides |
Evaluation of mechanical, biological, and chemical treatments to restore sagebrush steppe in Northeastern Utah | James Taylor | 2011 | PDF Slides |
Ecology and management of a high elevation southern range Greater sage-grouse population: vegetation manipulation, early chick survival, and hunter motivation | Michael Guttery | 2010 | PDF Slides |
Influence of Demographic and Habitat Parameters on Sage-grouse Chick Survival | Michael Guttery, David Dahlgren, Terry Messmer, and David Koons | 2010 | PDF Slides |
Sage-grouse Brood Detection Techniques | David Dahlgren, Terry Messmer, Michael Guttery, and Eric Thacker | 2010 | PDF Slides |
Sage-grouse Population Modeling, Parker Mountain, Utah | David Dahlgren, Terry Messmer and David Koons | 2010 | PDF Slides |
Raptor and Corvid use of Distribution Line Power Poles | Phoebe Prather | 2010 | |
Factors affecting Gunnison Sage-grouse Conservation in San Juan County, Utah | Phoebe Prather | 2010 | Power Point Slides |
Managing Greater Sage-Grouse Habitats Using the Cow, Plow, Axe, and Fire: Lessons from Leopold | David Dahlgren, Terry Messmer, S. Nicole Frey, Michael Guttery, and Eric Thacker | February 2010 | PDF Slides |
Estimating Greater Sage-grouse Juvenile Survival in Utah | David Dahlgren | 2008 | Power Point |
Sage-grouse Local Working Groups: An Overview of Needs | Lorien Belton | 2008 | PDF Slides |
Greater Sage grouse Response to Sagebrush Management in Utah | David Dahlgren | 2006 | Power Point |
Sheep for Sage grouse | Michael Guttery | 2008 | Power Point |