Teens Lifting Teens

Teens Lifting Teens (TLT)

The Teens Lifting Teens program focuses on developing skills that prepare teens to:

  • Mentor others
  • Plan & execute events
  • Build effective teams
  • Grow resilience and self-confidence/self-efficacy
  • Develop protective factors (reducing risky behaviors)
  • Actively make a difference in their communities now and in the future


What's the problem?

Among Utah’s teens, we are seeing resiliency decrease, while anxiety, social disconnect, and feelings of inadequacy are all on the rise.

Mentoring at-risk youth opportunities in UtahMentoring at-risk youth opportunities in Utah.   Mentoring at-risk youth opportunities in Utah

How can we solve it?

Research among teens has shown that two critical interventions—
positive interactions with a caring adult or role model + service to others—results in the following outcomes:

  • Enhances personal growth
  • Promotes empowerment
  • Raises awareness
  • Makes them feel respected and supported
  • Gives them hope for the future

Following this same structure, the Teens Lifting Teens Program is built to achieve similar outcomes among at-risk teens in Utah.

TLT acheives this through:

Near-peer Mentoring
refers to a trusted or relatable teen that teaches, coaches, encourages or empowers less-experienced youth.

Service Learning
combines serving the community with front-loading, assessment, and reflection, typically seen in project-based learning.



Contact: Megan Hall, TLT Program Director | megan.o.hall@usu.edu | (801) 708-2331