4-H Entrepreneur Business start-ups from local youth

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4-H Entrepreneurs

The 4-H EntrepreneursTM  program teaches youth how to start their own business to sell products or services. 

Youth who attend the 4-H EntrepreneursTM  camp in their county have the opportunity to host a booth for their business at their county fair, where they will sell their products/services directly to the public. Youth participants will learn-by-doing in this program—they create real businesses, and can make real sales!

Facilitators will host four, two-hour long workshops to teach youth attendees about the required course content before they can begin generating sales. All course content is fun, engaging, and hosted in group settings. Check with your county Extension Office for more details on dates and location of workshops.


4-H EntrepreneursTM Curriculum

4-H EntrepreneursTM is designed to be delivered in four, two-hour long workshops to increase knowledge and confidence towards entrepreneurship for youth attendees. The eight hours of content is flexible enough to be offered to youth in various time formats and can be modified for eight one-hour lessons, or even in youth camps. All course content is fun, engaging, and hosted in group settings.

Facilitators do not need prior entrepreneurship experience, and the content can be delivered by adults or teen leaders.

In state facilitators can request 4-H EntrepreneursTM curriculum for free until September 2024. For out of state facilitators, the cost is $110 per kit.
Each kit includes: 10 student workbooks, facilitator guide, evaluation materials, and program marketing toolkits.







Food Safety

4-H Entrepreneurs who are selling any food or food based products are required to complete the following survey. Your response will be evaluated by the Extension Food Entrepreneurship Program to determine if your products can safely be made in a home kitchen. If your product is flagged for follow up, we will work with you directly about the next steps. Please watch for the approval or further instructions in your email.


To increase the likelihood of approval, please try to submit recipes for foods that flow to a GREEN bubble in this chart:

Examples of foods in each category: 

(products that can be made safely)

Seasoned popcorn, cupcakes with store-bought frosting, chocolate chip cookies, bottled raspberry jam

(products that need to be tested first, but recipe changes might be needed before it can be approved)

Dried apple slices, cupcakes with cream cheese frosting, zucchini bread, bottled jalapeno raspberry jam

(products that cannot be approved)

Beef jerky, cream puffs filled with pudding, cheesecake, bottled green beans


Online Pre/Post Tests

Contact Kelsey Romney

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