Tree Catalog - Utah Native - Yes

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Tolerance of Shade - Medium
Tolerance of Alkalinity - High
Hardiness Zone - 4
Growth Rate - Medium
Family - Betulaceae - Birch
Hardiness Zone - 1
Foliage - No
Bark - No
Tolerance of Transplanting - High
Cultivar - No
Tolerance of Poor Drainage - High
Longevity - Medium
Power Lines - No
Hardiness Zone - 2
Crown Shape - Oval
Fruit - Yes
Utah Native - Yes
Flowers - No
Mature Height - Medium
Hardiness Zone - 7
Tolerance of Salt - Low
Hardiness Zone - 5
Fall Color - No
Tolerance of Drought - Medium
Hardiness Zone - 6
Hardiness Zone - 3
Alnus tenuifolia
Betulaceae - Birch family
Alder, Thinleaf or Mountain | TreeBrowser

Alder, Thinleaf or Mountain

Alnus tenuifolia
Betulaceae - Birch family

Growth Rate - Low
Tolerance of Poor Drainage - Medium
Utah Native - Yes
Longevity - Medium
Hardiness Zone - 7
Crown Shape - Irregular
Fall Color - No
Tolerance of Drought - High
Bark - No
Foliage - No
Tolerance of Alkalinity - High
Tolerance of Transplanting - Medium
Mature Height - Low
Flowers - No
Tolerance of Salt - High
Cultivar - No
Hardiness Zone - 8
Fruit - No
Family - Oleaceae - Olive
Hardiness Zone - 9
Tolerance of Shade - Low
Power Lines - Yes
Type - Broadleaf
Hardiness Zone - 6
Fraxinus anomala
Oleaceae - Olive family
Ash, Singleleaf or Dwarf | TreeBrowser

Ash, Singleleaf or Dwarf

Fraxinus anomala
Oleaceae - Olive family

Cultivar - Yes
Hardiness Zone - 8
Tolerance of Alkalinity - Medium
Flowers - No
Fruit - No
Longevity - Medium
Hardiness Zone - 9
Tolerance of Salt - Medium
Mature Height - Medium
Hardiness Zone - 7
Tolerance of Transplanting - Medium
Tolerance of Drought - High
Fall Color - No
Bark - No
Crown Shape - Round
Utah Native - Yes
Power Lines - No
Family - Oleaceae - Olive
Foliage - No
Tolerance of Shade - Medium
Type - Broadleaf
Tolerance of Poor Drainage - Medium
Growth Rate - Medium
Hardiness Zone - 10
Fraxinus velutina
Oleaceae - Olive family
Ash, Velvet or Modesto | TreeBrowser

Ash, Velvet or Modesto

Fraxinus velutina
Oleaceae - Olive family

Utah Native - Yes
Hardiness Zone - 3
Longevity - Medium
Hardiness Zone - 5
Cultivar - No
Power Lines - No
Crown Shape - Oval
Tolerance of Salt - Medium
Bark - Yes
Foliage - Yes
Type - Broadleaf
Flowers - No
Tolerance of Transplanting - High
Hardiness Zone - 7
Growth Rate - Medium
Mature Height - High
Fruit - No
Hardiness Zone - 6
Fall Color - Yes
Tolerance of Shade - Low
Family - Salicaceae - Willow
Hardiness Zone - 4
Tolerance of Poor Drainage - Medium
Tolerance of Alkalinity - Medium
Tolerance of Drought - Medium
Populus tremuloides
Salicaceae - Willow family
Aspen, Quaking or Trembling | TreeBrowser

Aspen, Quaking or Trembling

Populus tremuloides
Salicaceae - Willow family

Tolerance of Alkalinity - Medium
Utah Native - Yes
Growth Rate - Low
Bark - Yes
Type - Broadleaf
Cultivar - No
Hardiness Zone - 3
Hardiness Zone - 6
Fruit - No
Power Lines - Yes
Crown Shape - Shrubby
Tolerance of Transplanting - Medium
Tolerance of Salt - Medium
Tolerance of Drought - Low
Fall Color - Yes
Tolerance of Poor Drainage - High
Hardiness Zone - 5
Hardiness Zone - 7
Longevity - Medium
Hardiness Zone - 4
Family - Betulaceae - Birch
Mature Height - Low
Foliage - No
Tolerance of Shade - Medium
Flowers - No
Betula occidentalis
Betulaceae - Birch family
Birch, Water or River | TreeBrowser

Birch, Water or River

Betula occidentalis
Betulaceae - Birch family

Fall Color - No
Growth Rate - High
Hardiness Zone - 2
Tolerance of Salt - Medium
Hardiness Zone - 4
Hardiness Zone - 8
Power Lines - No
Tolerance of Shade - Medium
Foliage - No
Hardiness Zone - 3
Utah Native - Yes
Hardiness Zone - 7
Family - Aceraceae - Maple
Tolerance of Poor Drainage - High
Type - Broadleaf
Bark - No
Fruit - No
Longevity - Medium
Hardiness Zone - 9
Mature Height - High
Hardiness Zone - 6
Tolerance of Alkalinity - High
Cultivar - Yes
Tolerance of Drought - High
Flowers - No
Hardiness Zone - 5
Tolerance of Transplanting - High
Crown Shape - Oval
Acer negundo
Aceraceae - Maple family
Boxelder or Ash-leaved or Manitoba Maple | TreeBrowser

Boxelder or Ash-leaved or Manitoba Maple

Acer negundo
Aceraceae - Maple family

Tolerance of Poor Drainage - Low
Tolerance of Salt - Medium
Tolerance of Alkalinity - High
Mature Height - Medium
Cultivar - Yes
Hardiness Zone - 3
Hardiness Zone - 4
Hardiness Zone - 6
Tolerance of Shade - Low
Growth Rate - Medium
Hardiness Zone - 2
Fall Color - No
Tolerance of Drought - Medium
Family - Rosaceae - Rose
Utah Native - Yes
Tolerance of Transplanting - Medium
Fruit - No
Flowers - Yes
Power Lines - Yes
Hardiness Zone - 5
Crown Shape - Shrubby
Longevity - Low
Foliage - Yes
Type - Broadleaf
Bark - No
Prunus virginiana
Rosaceae - Rose family
Chokecherry, Common | TreeBrowser

Chokecherry, Common

Prunus virginiana
Rosaceae - Rose family

Longevity - Medium
Fall Color - No
Flowers - Yes
Fruit - Yes
Crown Shape - Shrubby
Cultivar - No
Hardiness Zone - 6
Tolerance of Shade - Low
Tolerance of Poor Drainage - Low
Mature Height - Low
Family - Rosaceae - Rose
Tolerance of Alkalinity - High
Tolerance of Salt - Medium
Bark - No
Hardiness Zone - 7
Power Lines - Yes
Hardiness Zone - 9
Foliage - No
Growth Rate - Low
Utah Native - Yes
Hardiness Zone - 8
Tolerance of Drought - High
Type - Broadleaf
Hardiness Zone - 5
Tolerance of Transplanting - Medium
Cowania (Purshia) mexicana
Rosaceae - Rose family
Cliffrose or Quininebush | TreeBrowser

Cliffrose or Quininebush

Cowania (Purshia) mexicana
Rosaceae - Rose family

Hardiness Zone - 8
Family - Salicaceae - Willow
Growth Rate - High
Fall Color - Yes
Hardiness Zone - 7
Longevity - High
Hardiness Zone - 3
Foliage - No
Fruit - No
Utah Native - Yes
Tolerance of Salt - High
Tolerance of Transplanting - High
Tolerance of Drought - Low
Type - Broadleaf
Flowers - No
Power Lines - No
Tolerance of Alkalinity - High
Hardiness Zone - 4
Mature Height - High
Bark - No
Tolerance of Poor Drainage - High
Crown Shape - Oval
Hardiness Zone - 6
Hardiness Zone - 5
Tolerance of Shade - Low
Cultivar - No
Populus trichocarpa
Salicaceae - Willow family
Cottonwood, Black | TreeBrowser

Cottonwood, Black

Populus trichocarpa
Salicaceae - Willow family

Tolerance of Shade - Low
Hardiness Zone - 9
Hardiness Zone - 8
Crown Shape - Oval
Mature Height - High
Power Lines - No
Utah Native - Yes
Cultivar - No
Longevity - High
Tolerance of Salt - High
Hardiness Zone - 7
Flowers - No
Fruit - No
Bark - No
Tolerance of Poor Drainage - High
Type - Broadleaf
Fall Color - Yes
Growth Rate - High
Foliage - Yes
Tolerance of Transplanting - High
Tolerance of Drought - Low
Family - Salicaceae - Willow
Tolerance of Alkalinity - High
Hardiness Zone - 5
Hardiness Zone - 6
Populus fremontii
Salicaceae - Willow family
Cottonwood, Fremont | TreeBrowser

Cottonwood, Fremont

Populus fremontii
Salicaceae - Willow family

Hardiness Zone - 4
Fall Color - Yes
Flowers - No
Hardiness Zone - 9
Hardiness Zone - 3
Tolerance of Drought - Low
Type - Broadleaf
Bark - No
Tolerance of Alkalinity - High
Longevity - High
Hardiness Zone - 6
Utah Native - Yes
Foliage - No
Crown Shape - Oval
Hardiness Zone - 7
Cultivar - No
Hardiness Zone - 5
Hardiness Zone - 8
Tolerance of Transplanting - High
Fruit - No
Mature Height - High
Power Lines - No
Tolerance of Salt - High
Family - Salicaceae - Willow
Tolerance of Shade - Low
Growth Rate - High
Tolerance of Poor Drainage - High
Populus angustifolia
Salicaceae - Willow family
Cottonwood, Narrowleaf | TreeBrowser

Cottonwood, Narrowleaf

Populus angustifolia
Salicaceae - Willow family

Crown Shape - Irregular
Foliage - No
Hardiness Zone - 7
Fruit - Yes
Bark - No
Tolerance of Drought - Medium
Growth Rate - Medium
Tolerance of Transplanting - Medium
Mature Height - Medium
Hardiness Zone - 8
Tolerance of Alkalinity - High
Hardiness Zone - 9
Hardiness Zone - 10
Family - Bignoniaceae - Catalpa
Flowers - Yes
Utah Native - Yes
Type - Broadleaf
Power Lines - No
Tolerance of Shade - Low
Longevity - Low
Fall Color - No
Tolerance of Salt - Medium
Tolerance of Poor Drainage - Medium
Cultivar - No
Chilopsis linearis
Bignoniaceae - Catalpa family
Desertwillow | TreeBrowser


Chilopsis linearis
Bignoniaceae - Catalpa family

Hardiness Zone - 6
Tolerance of Salt - Low
Hardiness Zone - 8
Mature Height - Low
Tolerance of Poor Drainage - High
Bark - Yes
Cultivar - Yes
Hardiness Zone - 4
Hardiness Zone - 7
Family - Cornaceae - Dogwood
Utah Native - Yes
Tolerance of Transplanting - High
Hardiness Zone - 2
Type - Broadleaf
Tolerance of Alkalinity - High
Crown Shape - Shrubby
Power Lines - Yes
Foliage - Yes
Growth Rate - Medium
Tolerance of Drought - Medium
Hardiness Zone - 3
Fruit - Yes
Hardiness Zone - 5
Flowers - Yes
Tolerance of Shade - Medium
Fall Color - Yes
Longevity - Medium
Cornus sericea
Cornaceae - Dogwood family
Dogwood, Red-osier or Red-stemmed | TreeBrowser

Dogwood, Red-osier or Red-stemmed

Cornus sericea
Cornaceae - Dogwood family

Power Lines - No
Tolerance of Shade - Medium
Mature Height - High
Bark - No
Type - Conifer
Flowers - No
Family - Pinaceae - Pine
Tolerance of Poor Drainage - Medium
Fruit - Yes
Tolerance of Transplanting - Medium
Longevity - High
Growth Rate - Medium
Hardiness Zone - 4
Crown Shape - Pyramidal
Utah Native - Yes
Foliage - Yes
Tolerance of Salt - Medium
Fall Color - No
Hardiness Zone - 5
Tolerance of Alkalinity - High
Tolerance of Drought - Low
Hardiness Zone - 6
Cultivar - Yes
Pseudotsuga menziesii
Pinaceae - Pine family
Douglas-fir | TreeBrowser


Pseudotsuga menziesii
Pinaceae - Pine family

Crown Shape - Round
Hardiness Zone - 6
Hardiness Zone - 5
Tolerance of Drought - Medium
Hardiness Zone - 4
Tolerance of Salt - Medium
Foliage - No
Utah Native - Yes
Fruit - Yes
Flowers - Yes
Family - Caprifoliaceae - Honeysuckle
Tolerance of Poor Drainage - High
Longevity - Low
Hardiness Zone - 8
Fall Color - No
Tolerance of Shade - Low
Bark - Yes
Tolerance of Transplanting - Medium
Growth Rate - Medium
Tolerance of Alkalinity - Medium
Power Lines - No
Type - Broadleaf
Hardiness Zone - 7
Mature Height - Medium
Cultivar - No
Sambucus cerulea
Caprifoliaceae - Honeysuckle family
Elder, Blue | TreeBrowser

Elder, Blue

Sambucus cerulea
Caprifoliaceae - Honeysuckle family

Hardiness Zone - 2
Flowers - No
Mature Height - High
Bark - No
Cultivar - No
Crown Shape - Pyramidal
Family - Pinaceae - Pine
Tolerance of Drought - Low
Longevity - High
Hardiness Zone - 5
Utah Native - Yes
Type - Conifer
Tolerance of Transplanting - Medium
Foliage - Yes
Power Lines - No
Growth Rate - Low
Tolerance of Salt - Medium
Fruit - No
Tolerance of Shade - High
Tolerance of Poor Drainage - Low
Hardiness Zone - 3
Fall Color - No
Hardiness Zone - 1
Hardiness Zone - 4
Tolerance of Alkalinity - Medium
Abies lasiocarpa
Pinaceae - Pine family
Fir, Subalpine or Alpine | TreeBrowser

Fir, Subalpine or Alpine

Abies lasiocarpa
Pinaceae - Pine family

Hardiness Zone - 6
Foliage - Yes
Tolerance of Poor Drainage - Low
Family - Pinaceae - Pine
Growth Rate - Low
Hardiness Zone - 7
Utah Native - Yes
Bark - No
Crown Shape - Pyramidal
Mature Height - High
Tolerance of Drought - Medium
Cultivar - Yes
Hardiness Zone - 4
Power Lines - Yes
Tolerance of Transplanting - Medium
Fall Color - No
Longevity - High
Flowers - No
Tolerance of Alkalinity - Medium
Tolerance of Salt - Medium
Fruit - No
Tolerance of Shade - Medium
Hardiness Zone - 3
Type - Conifer
Hardiness Zone - 5
Abies concolor
Pinaceae - Pine family
Fir, White or Concolor | TreeBrowser

Fir, White or Concolor

Abies concolor
Pinaceae - Pine family

Hardiness Zone - 8
Tolerance of Poor Drainage - Medium
Cultivar - No
Utah Native - Yes
Hardiness Zone - 5
Family - Ulmaceae - Elm
Tolerance of Alkalinity - High
Tolerance of Shade - Medium
Bark - Yes
Mature Height - Medium
Hardiness Zone - 9
Tolerance of Salt - Medium
Power Lines - No
Hardiness Zone - 7
Type - Broadleaf
Hardiness Zone - 6
Growth Rate - Medium
Crown Shape - Vase
Foliage - No
Flowers - No
Tolerance of Drought - High
Tolerance of Transplanting - High
Fall Color - Yes
Longevity - High
Fruit - No
Celtis reticulata
Ulmaceae - Elm family
Hackberry, Netleaf | TreeBrowser

Hackberry, Netleaf

Celtis reticulata
Ulmaceae - Elm family

Crown Shape - Broad
Power Lines - Yes
Hardiness Zone - 2
Hardiness Zone - 3
Hardiness Zone - 8
Type - Broadleaf
Tolerance of Salt - Medium
Family - Rosaceae - Rose
Fall Color - Yes
Cultivar - No
Hardiness Zone - 7
Flowers - Yes
Growth Rate - Low
Tolerance of Poor Drainage - Medium
Bark - No
Tolerance of Transplanting - Medium
Tolerance of Alkalinity - High
Hardiness Zone - 6
Longevity - Medium
Tolerance of Shade - Low
Utah Native - Yes
Foliage - No
Tolerance of Drought - High
Hardiness Zone - 5
Mature Height - Low
Hardiness Zone - 4
Fruit - Yes
Crataegus douglasii
Rosaceae - Rose family
Hawthorn, Black or Douglas | TreeBrowser

Hawthorn, Black or Douglas

Crataegus douglasii
Rosaceae - Rose family

Hardiness Zone - 9
Tolerance of Transplanting - Medium
Hardiness Zone - 6
Tolerance of Salt - Medium
Flowers - Yes
Tolerance of Shade - High
Longevity - High
Mature Height - Medium
Foliage - Yes
Power Lines - No
Hardiness Zone - 7
Bark - No
Tolerance of Alkalinity - High
Fruit - Yes
Tolerance of Poor Drainage - Low
Growth Rate - Low
Cultivar - No
Utah Native - Yes
Family - Betulaceae - Birch
Type - Broadleaf
Crown Shape - Irregular
Tolerance of Drought - High
Fall Color - No
Hardiness Zone - 8
Ostrya knowltonii
Betulaceae - Birch family
Hophornbeam, Knowlton | TreeBrowser

Hophornbeam, Knowlton

Ostrya knowltonii
Betulaceae - Birch family

Tolerance of Shade - High
Hardiness Zone - 5
Hardiness Zone - 9
Fall Color - Yes
Foliage - No
Tolerance of Drought - Medium
Tolerance of Salt - Medium
Hardiness Zone - 3
Crown Shape - Shrubby
Flowers - No
Hardiness Zone - 8
Longevity - Medium
Mature Height - Low
Cultivar - No
Bark - Yes
Hardiness Zone - 7
Utah Native - Yes
Tolerance of Poor Drainage - Low
Hardiness Zone - 6
Hardiness Zone - 4
Tolerance of Transplanting - High
Growth Rate - Low
Family - Rutaceae - Rue
Power Lines - Yes
Tolerance of Alkalinity - Medium
Type - Broadleaf
Fruit - Yes
Ptelea angustifolia
Rutaceae - Rue family
Hoptree, Common, or Western Wafer-ash | TreeBrowser

Hoptree, Common, or Western Wafer-ash

Ptelea angustifolia
Rutaceae - Rue family

Tolerance of Transplanting - Medium
Type - Broadleaf
Hardiness Zone - 7
Growth Rate - Low
Tolerance of Alkalinity - High
Fall Color - No
Longevity - Medium
Utah Native - Yes
Hardiness Zone - 9
Crown Shape - Irregular
Bark - No
Hardiness Zone - 10
Cultivar - No
Foliage - Yes
Tolerance of Poor Drainage - Medium
Fruit - Yes
Tolerance of Salt - High
Tolerance of Shade - Low
Flowers - Yes
Power Lines - Yes
Family - Liliaceae - Lily
Mature Height - Low
Hardiness Zone - 8
Tolerance of Drought - High
Yucca brevifolia
Liliaceae - Lily family
Joshua-tree | TreeBrowser


Yucca brevifolia
Liliaceae - Lily family

Crown Shape - Pyramidal
Tolerance of Salt - High
Tolerance of Poor Drainage - Low
Bark - No
Fruit - Yes
Foliage - Yes
Tolerance of Alkalinity - High
Type - Conifer
Utah Native - Yes
Tolerance of Drought - High
Flowers - No
Tolerance of Transplanting - High
Longevity - High
Hardiness Zone - 3
Hardiness Zone - 5
Hardiness Zone - 7
Cultivar - Yes
Hardiness Zone - 4
Growth Rate - Medium
Hardiness Zone - 6
Mature Height - Medium
Family - Cupressaceae - Cypress
Tolerance of Shade - Low
Power Lines - No
Fall Color - No
Juniperus scopulorum
Cupressaceae - Cypress family
Juniper, Rocky Mountain | TreeBrowser

Juniper, Rocky Mountain

Juniperus scopulorum
Cupressaceae - Cypress family

Hardiness Zone - 6
Bark - No
Tolerance of Salt - High
Tolerance of Alkalinity - High
Hardiness Zone - 7
Tolerance of Poor Drainage - Low
Tolerance of Shade - Low
Hardiness Zone - 5
Fall Color - No
Flowers - No
Tolerance of Transplanting - High
Utah Native - Yes
Growth Rate - Medium
Tolerance of Drought - High
Hardiness Zone - 3
Family - Cupressaceae - Cypress
Hardiness Zone - 4
Fruit - Yes
Type - Conifer
Foliage - Yes
Power Lines - Yes
Mature Height - Medium
Cultivar - No
Crown Shape - Round
Longevity - High
Juniperus osteosperma
Cupressaceae - Cypress family
Juniper, Utah | TreeBrowser

Juniper, Utah

Juniperus osteosperma
Cupressaceae - Cypress family

Tolerance of Alkalinity - High
Hardiness Zone - 8
Hardiness Zone - 5
Foliage - Yes
Tolerance of Poor Drainage - Medium
Hardiness Zone - 7
Crown Shape - Oval
Tolerance of Shade - Low
Hardiness Zone - 9
Flowers - Yes
Fall Color - No
Family - Fabaceae - Legume
Tolerance of Salt - High
Hardiness Zone - 6
Type - Broadleaf
Fruit - No
Utah Native - Yes
Tolerance of Transplanting - High
Growth Rate - Medium
Tolerance of Drought - High
Cultivar - No
Longevity - Medium
Mature Height - Medium
Power Lines - No
Bark - No
Robinia neomexicana
Fabaceae - Legume family
Locust, New Mexican | TreeBrowser

Locust, New Mexican

Robinia neomexicana
Fabaceae - Legume family

Power Lines - No
Hardiness Zone - 5
Mature Height - Medium
Longevity - High
Utah Native - Yes
Bark - No
Tolerance of Transplanting - Medium
Growth Rate - Medium
Tolerance of Alkalinity - High
Hardiness Zone - 4
Tolerance of Shade - Medium
Tolerance of Poor Drainage - Medium
Hardiness Zone - 7
Family - Aceraceae - Maple
Cultivar - Yes
Fruit - No
Crown Shape - Oval
Foliage - No
Flowers - No
Hardiness Zone - 6
Type - Broadleaf
Tolerance of Salt - Medium
Tolerance of Drought - Medium
Fall Color - Yes
Acer grandidentatum
Aceraceae - Maple family
Maple, Canyon or Bigtooth | TreeBrowser

Maple, Canyon or Bigtooth

Acer grandidentatum
Aceraceae - Maple family

Hardiness Zone - 5
Power Lines - Yes
Hardiness Zone - 7
Tolerance of Transplanting - High
Tolerance of Salt - Medium
Foliage - No
Family - Aceraceae - Maple
Tolerance of Alkalinity - Medium
Type - Broadleaf
Fruit - No
Growth Rate - Medium
Bark - No
Hardiness Zone - 4
Tolerance of Poor Drainage - Medium
Cultivar - Yes
Fall Color - Yes
Mature Height - Low
Tolerance of Shade - Medium
Tolerance of Drought - Medium
Flowers - No
Longevity - Medium
Utah Native - Yes
Hardiness Zone - 6
Crown Shape - Round
Acer glabrum
Aceraceae - Maple family
Maple, Rocky Mountain | TreeBrowser

Maple, Rocky Mountain

Acer glabrum
Aceraceae - Maple family

Tolerance of Salt - High
Flowers - Yes
Tolerance of Alkalinity - High
Tolerance of Drought - High
Tolerance of Poor Drainage - Low
Cultivar - No
Utah Native - Yes
Fruit - Yes
Tolerance of Shade - Low
Hardiness Zone - 10
Bark - No
Growth Rate - Low
Longevity - High
Foliage - No
Type - Broadleaf
Fall Color - No
Tolerance of Transplanting - Medium
Crown Shape - Broad
Hardiness Zone - 7
Mature Height - Medium
Family - Fabaceae - Legume
Hardiness Zone - 9
Power Lines - No
Hardiness Zone - 8
Prosopis juliflora
Fabaceae - Legume family
Mesquite, Honey | TreeBrowser

Mesquite, Honey

Prosopis juliflora
Fabaceae - Legume family

Tolerance of Salt - Medium
Hardiness Zone - 2
Mature Height - Low
Hardiness Zone - 4
Tolerance of Drought - Medium
Family - Rosaceae - Rose
Growth Rate - Low
Crown Shape - Shrubby
Hardiness Zone - 6
Utah Native - Yes
Tolerance of Poor Drainage - Low
Tolerance of Alkalinity - High
Flowers - Yes
Power Lines - Yes
Type - Broadleaf
Fall Color - Yes
Tolerance of Transplanting - Medium
Fruit - Yes
Longevity - Low
Tolerance of Shade - Low
Bark - No
Cultivar - No
Hardiness Zone - 3
Foliage - No
Hardiness Zone - 5
Sorbus scopulina
Rosaceae - Rose family
Mountain-ash, Greene | TreeBrowser

Mountain-ash, Greene

Sorbus scopulina
Rosaceae - Rose family

Hardiness Zone - 5
Crown Shape - Irregular
Flowers - No
Mature Height - Low
Bark - No
Tolerance of Transplanting - Medium
Utah Native - Yes
Foliage - Yes
Hardiness Zone - 7
Tolerance of Poor Drainage - Low
Power Lines - Yes
Tolerance of Shade - Low
Family - Rosaceae - Rose
Fruit - Yes
Tolerance of Salt - Medium
Longevity - High
Hardiness Zone - 4
Cultivar - No
Type - Broadleaf
Growth Rate - Medium
Hardiness Zone - 8
Hardiness Zone - 6
Hardiness Zone - 3
Tolerance of Alkalinity - High
Fall Color - No
Tolerance of Drought - High
Cercocarpus ledifolius
Rosaceae - Rose family
Mountain-mahogany, Curlleaf | TreeBrowser

Mountain-mahogany, Curlleaf

Cercocarpus ledifolius
Rosaceae - Rose family

Tolerance of Shade - Low
Tolerance of Transplanting - Low
Family - Fagaceae - Beech and Oak
Flowers - No
Hardiness Zone - 8
Tolerance of Alkalinity - High
Bark - No
Hardiness Zone - 6
Power Lines - Yes
Hardiness Zone - 5
Foliage - No
Utah Native - Yes
Hardiness Zone - 4
Tolerance of Drought - High
Cultivar - No
Fall Color - Yes
Hardiness Zone - 7
Type - Broadleaf
Tolerance of Salt - Medium
Growth Rate - Low
Tolerance of Poor Drainage - Medium
Fruit - No
Longevity - Medium
Mature Height - Low
Crown Shape - Shrubby
Quercus gambelii
Fagaceae - Beech and Oak family
Oak, Gambel or Scrub or Rocky Mtn. White | TreeBrowser

Oak, Gambel or Scrub or Rocky Mtn. White

Quercus gambelii
Fagaceae - Beech and Oak family

Longevity - Medium
Tolerance of Alkalinity - High
Mature Height - Low
Hardiness Zone - 9
Tolerance of Shade - Medium
Hardiness Zone - 7
Hardiness Zone - 8
Tolerance of Drought - High
Power Lines - Yes
Flowers - No
Tolerance of Transplanting - Medium
Crown Shape - Shrubby
Fall Color - No
Growth Rate - Low
Utah Native - Yes
Bark - No
Foliage - Yes
Fruit - No
Type - Broadleaf
Tolerance of Poor Drainage - Medium
Cultivar - No
Tolerance of Salt - Medium
Family - Fagaceae - Beech and Oak
Quercus turbinella
Fagaceae - Beech and Oak family
Oak, Shrub Live | TreeBrowser

Oak, Shrub Live

Quercus turbinella
Fagaceae - Beech and Oak family

Tolerance of Poor Drainage - Medium
Foliage - Yes
Power Lines - Yes
Hardiness Zone - 8
Longevity - Medium
Fall Color - No
Hardiness Zone - 9
Family - Fagaceae - Beech and Oak
Tolerance of Transplanting - Medium
Type - Broadleaf
Utah Native - Yes
Fruit - No
Tolerance of Salt - Medium
Tolerance of Drought - High
Crown Shape - Shrubby
Mature Height - Low
Growth Rate - Low
Tolerance of Shade - Medium
Tolerance of Alkalinity - High
Cultivar - No
Flowers - No
Hardiness Zone - 7
Bark - No
Quercus undulata
Fagaceae - Beech and Oak family
Oak, Wavyleaf | TreeBrowser

Oak, Wavyleaf

Quercus undulata
Fagaceae - Beech and Oak family

Foliage - Yes
Cultivar - No
Tolerance of Shade - Low
Crown Shape - Irregular
Tolerance of Drought - High
Fruit - Yes
Growth Rate - Low
Tolerance of Salt - Medium
Tolerance of Transplanting - Medium
Hardiness Zone - 6
Power Lines - No
Longevity - High
Fall Color - No
Hardiness Zone - 7
Family - Pinaceae - Pine
Utah Native - Yes
Bark - No
Tolerance of Poor Drainage - Low
Type - Conifer
Tolerance of Alkalinity - High
Flowers - No
Mature Height - Medium
Hardiness Zone - 5
Pinus longaeva (aristata)
Pinaceae - Pine family
Pine, Bristlecone | TreeBrowser

Pine, Bristlecone

Pinus longaeva (aristata)
Pinaceae - Pine family

Hardiness Zone - 4
Tolerance of Alkalinity - Medium
Bark - No
Longevity - High
Family - Pinaceae - Pine
Tolerance of Shade - Low
Crown Shape - Pyramidal
Utah Native - Yes
Cultivar - Yes
Mature Height - Medium
Fall Color - No
Fruit - No
Hardiness Zone - 5
Tolerance of Drought - High
Flowers - No
Tolerance of Salt - Medium
Tolerance of Transplanting - Medium
Tolerance of Poor Drainage - Low
Foliage - Yes
Hardiness Zone - 7
Power Lines - No
Hardiness Zone - 6
Type - Conifer
Growth Rate - Low
Pinus flexilis
Pinaceae - Pine family
Pine, Limber | TreeBrowser

Pine, Limber

Pinus flexilis
Pinaceae - Pine family

Fall Color - No
Longevity - High
Tolerance of Alkalinity - Medium
Tolerance of Transplanting - Medium
Utah Native - Yes
Hardiness Zone - 5
Hardiness Zone - 3
Tolerance of Drought - High
Mature Height - High
Flowers - No
Type - Conifer
Fruit - No
Foliage - No
Power Lines - No
Tolerance of Salt - Medium
Hardiness Zone - 4
Hardiness Zone - 6
Bark - No
Tolerance of Poor Drainage - Low
Tolerance of Shade - Low
Crown Shape - Pyramidal
Cultivar - No
Family - Pinaceae - Pine
Growth Rate - Medium
Hardiness Zone - 2
Pinus contorta
Pinaceae - Pine family
Pine, Lodgepole | TreeBrowser

Pine, Lodgepole

Pinus contorta
Pinaceae - Pine family

Mature Height - High
Hardiness Zone - 4
Hardiness Zone - 3
Tolerance of Salt - Medium
Utah Native - Yes
Tolerance of Transplanting - Medium
Hardiness Zone - 5
Type - Conifer
Hardiness Zone - 6
Foliage - Yes
Cultivar - Yes
Hardiness Zone - 7
Power Lines - No
Tolerance of Shade - Low
Crown Shape - Pyramidal
Longevity - High
Fruit - No
Flowers - No
Tolerance of Poor Drainage - Low
Tolerance of Alkalinity - Medium
Growth Rate - Medium
Fall Color - No
Tolerance of Drought - High
Bark - Yes
Family - Pinaceae - Pine
Pinus ponderosa
Pinaceae - Pine family
Pine, Ponderosa | TreeBrowser

Pine, Ponderosa

Pinus ponderosa
Pinaceae - Pine family

Fruit - Yes
Hardiness Zone - 5
Crown Shape - Round
Power Lines - Yes
Cultivar - No
Foliage - Yes
Tolerance of Poor Drainage - Low
Flowers - No
Hardiness Zone - 8
Growth Rate - Low
Tolerance of Salt - Medium
Tolerance of Alkalinity - High
Tolerance of Drought - High
Hardiness Zone - 7
Tolerance of Transplanting - Medium
Tolerance of Shade - Low
Mature Height - Medium
Utah Native - Yes
Bark - No
Fall Color - No
Type - Conifer
Hardiness Zone - 4
Longevity - High
Hardiness Zone - 6
Family - Pinaceae - Pine
Pinus edulis
Pinaceae - Pine family
Pinyon or Colorado Pinyon | TreeBrowser

Pinyon or Colorado Pinyon

Pinus edulis
Pinaceae - Pine family

Longevity - High
Family - Pinaceae - Pine
Tolerance of Drought - High
Foliage - Yes
Hardiness Zone - 7
Tolerance of Shade - Low
Fruit - Yes
Utah Native - Yes
Hardiness Zone - 6
Tolerance of Alkalinity - High
Mature Height - Medium
Hardiness Zone - 9
Cultivar - No
Hardiness Zone - 5
Crown Shape - Round
Growth Rate - Low
Power Lines - Yes
Hardiness Zone - 8
Tolerance of Transplanting - Medium
Bark - No
Fall Color - No
Flowers - No
Tolerance of Poor Drainage - Low
Tolerance of Salt - Medium
Type - Conifer
Pinus monophylla
Pinaceae - Pine family
Pinyon, Singleleaf | TreeBrowser

Pinyon, Singleleaf

Pinus monophylla
Pinaceae - Pine family

Hardiness Zone - 2
Bark - No
Utah Native - Yes
Tolerance of Poor Drainage - Medium
Fruit - No
Crown Shape - Oval
Hardiness Zone - 4
Cultivar - No
Tolerance of Shade - Low
Fall Color - No
Tolerance of Salt - High
Tolerance of Transplanting - High
Foliage - No
Power Lines - No
Growth Rate - High
Longevity - Medium
Tolerance of Drought - Low
Flowers - No
Hardiness Zone - 3
Hardiness Zone - 5
Type - Broadleaf
Mature Height - High
Family - Salicaceae - Willow
Tolerance of Alkalinity - High
Populus balsamifera
Salicaceae - Willow family
Poplar, Balsam | TreeBrowser

Poplar, Balsam

Populus balsamifera
Salicaceae - Willow family

Tolerance of Alkalinity - High
Cultivar - Yes
Power Lines - Yes
Family - Fabaceae - Legume
Growth Rate - Medium
Tolerance of Transplanting - Medium
Tolerance of Poor Drainage - Low
Longevity - High
Bark - Yes
Fruit - No
Tolerance of Drought - High
Mature Height - Low
Utah Native - Yes
Tolerance of Shade - High
Hardiness Zone - 7
Hardiness Zone - 8
Foliage - Yes
Type - Broadleaf
Hardiness Zone - 9
Tolerance of Salt - Low
Fall Color - No
Crown Shape - Broad
Flowers - Yes
Cercis occidentalis
Fabaceae - Legume family
Redbud, California | TreeBrowser

Redbud, California

Cercis occidentalis
Fabaceae - Legume family

Hardiness Zone - 5
Mature Height - Low
Hardiness Zone - 8
Growth Rate - Low
Tolerance of Transplanting - Medium
Tolerance of Shade - Medium
Bark - No
Cultivar - Yes
Type - Broadleaf
Tolerance of Alkalinity - High
Foliage - No
Hardiness Zone - 3
Tolerance of Salt - Medium
Tolerance of Poor Drainage - Low
Flowers - Yes
Hardiness Zone - 7
Hardiness Zone - 6
Fall Color - Yes
Utah Native - Yes
Hardiness Zone - 4
Family - Rosaceae - Rose
Tolerance of Drought - High
Fruit - No
Longevity - Medium
Power Lines - Yes
Crown Shape - Shrubby
Amelanchier alnifolia
Rosaceae - Rose family
Saskatoon or Western Serviceberry | TreeBrowser

Saskatoon or Western Serviceberry

Amelanchier alnifolia
Rosaceae - Rose family

Tolerance of Transplanting - Medium
Bark - No
Hardiness Zone - 8
Cultivar - No
Hardiness Zone - 3
Flowers - Yes
Hardiness Zone - 6
Tolerance of Shade - Medium
Tolerance of Salt - Medium
Family - Rosaceae - Rose
Tolerance of Poor Drainage - Low
Hardiness Zone - 4
Hardiness Zone - 5
Crown Shape - Shrubby
Fall Color - Yes
Type - Broadleaf
Longevity - Medium
Hardiness Zone - 7
Tolerance of Alkalinity - High
Power Lines - Yes
Growth Rate - Low
Utah Native - Yes
Tolerance of Drought - High
Foliage - No
Mature Height - Low
Fruit - No
Amelanchier utahensis
Rosaceae - Rose family
Serviceberry, Utah | TreeBrowser

Serviceberry, Utah

Amelanchier utahensis
Rosaceae - Rose family

Growth Rate - Medium
Hardiness Zone - 2
Fruit - No
Hardiness Zone - 5
Hardiness Zone - 7
Type - Conifer
Foliage - Yes
Hardiness Zone - 3
Hardiness Zone - 6
Tolerance of Transplanting - Medium
Longevity - High
Mature Height - High
Crown Shape - Pyramidal
Tolerance of Drought - Medium
Hardiness Zone - 4
Cultivar - Yes
Tolerance of Salt - Medium
Flowers - No
Power Lines - No
Utah Native - Yes
Family - Pinaceae - Pine
Tolerance of Alkalinity - Medium
Tolerance of Shade - Medium
Tolerance of Poor Drainage - Low
Fall Color - No
Bark - No
Picea pungens
Pinaceae - Pine family
Spruce, Blue or Colorado Blue | TreeBrowser

Spruce, Blue or Colorado Blue

Picea pungens
Pinaceae - Pine family

Tolerance of Alkalinity - Medium
Type - Conifer
Tolerance of Poor Drainage - Low
Fruit - No
Crown Shape - Pyramidal
Hardiness Zone - 2
Tolerance of Drought - Medium
Tolerance of Salt - Medium
Growth Rate - Low
Foliage - Yes
Utah Native - Yes
Mature Height - High
Bark - No
Family - Pinaceae - Pine
Cultivar - No
Hardiness Zone - 5
Fall Color - No
Hardiness Zone - 4
Tolerance of Shade - High
Flowers - No
Hardiness Zone - 3
Tolerance of Transplanting - Medium
Power Lines - No
Longevity - High
Picea engelmannii
Pinaceae - Pine family
Spruce, Engelmann | TreeBrowser

Spruce, Engelmann

Picea engelmannii
Pinaceae - Pine family

Tolerance of Salt - High
Tolerance of Alkalinity - High
Tolerance of Poor Drainage - High
Fall Color - No
Crown Shape - Oval
Foliage - No
Hardiness Zone - 3
Fruit - No
Longevity - Medium
Flowers - No
Type - Broadleaf
Hardiness Zone - 4
Tolerance of Transplanting - High
Hardiness Zone - 5
Hardiness Zone - 6
Hardiness Zone - 8
Tolerance of Drought - Low
Hardiness Zone - 7
Growth Rate - High
Tolerance of Shade - Low
Power Lines - No
Mature Height - Medium
Utah Native - Yes
Bark - No
Cultivar - No
Hardiness Zone - 2
Family - Salicaceae - Willow
Salix amygdaloides
Salicaceae - Willow family
Willow, Peachleaf | TreeBrowser

Willow, Peachleaf

Salix amygdaloides
Salicaceae - Willow family