008: Turning a Difficult Marriage Around

Podcast Guest: Jeff Forte

Turning a Difficult Marriage Around

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In this Episode

Giving hope to struggling couples, John Forte joins Dave & Liz to share how it is possible for anyone to develop an extraordinary marriage. John shares his own challenges with divorce and death and describes how couples can restore connection with presence.

The opinions, findings, conclusions, and recommendations expressed in this podcast do not necessarily reflect the views of the Utah Marriage Commission.”

0:00 – It’s possible for anyone to change, if you know how.

0:38 – Introduction: Who is Jeff Forte?

1:24 – Welcome.

2:16 – Home stability matters for teenagers.

3:50 – Relationship is the foundation.

4:10 – We tend to imitate our parent’s relationship.

5:26 – John’s feelings on divorce.

6:26 – John’s first experience with marital therapy: A launchpad for change.

7:18 – We never stop learning.

7:27 – Jeff, what did you learn from widowhood?

9:46 – Create a vision for marriage.

11:30 – Connection

11:52 – What is “The 90 Minute Marriage Miracle” about?

12:54 – One person can transform a marriage.

13:39 – Focusing on what can change.

14:01 – An extraordinary marriage is possible.

15:01 – Stop doing some things and start doing others.

15:31 – What is benign neglect?

16:50 – The effect of stress: What about COVID?

18:45 – How do marriages get off track?

20:00 – Communication is a symptom.

21:00 – Presence: Restoring connections.

22:20 – Lack of attention leads to loss of connection.

22:50 – John, what causes divorce?

23:51 – Fruits and roots of relationship.

24:14 – Where can I find Jeff Forte?

24:40 – Takeaways.

About Jeff Forte

Jeff Forte is the author of the breakthrough international book, The 90-Minute Miracle (translated into 4 languages). He is also the creator of The Rising Love Marriage Repair Process™, a proven, time-tested system that has helped over a thousand of couples fix their marriages for good. Jeff’s process works even when traditional couples counseling fails and divorce seems the only option. Jeff is considered a leading expert in divorce prevention and marriage turn-around and holds certifications in Strategic Intervention and Marriage Education and has 25 years of conflict resolution experience. He is a trusted advisor to Emmy Award winners, professional athletes, Fortune 500 executives, psychologists, business professionals, attorneys, surgeons, and some of the most high-profile couples around the world.


Jeff Forte: https://90minutemarriagemiracle.com/

Insights and Invites


Dave: The right presence can create connection.

Jeff: Each interaction creates a new opportunity for a different result, so seek connection.


  1. Read John’s book The 90 Minute Marriage Miracle
  2. Create a vision for your marriage. Remember to include what you want, not what you don’t want.
  3. Talk with your spouse about presence. Are you disconnecting from each other because of the way you interact? (Think about the way you greet each other, sit next to each other, talk to each other, etc.)

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