small farms
Irrigation management principles for small farms.
Small Acreage Irrigation Management
Irrigation management principles for small farms.
small farms
fruit crops
High tunnel irrigation management requires knowledge of the following concepts: 1) differences in soil water holding capacity 2) variances in plants rooting depth, 3) how changing environmental conditions impact plant water use, 4) proper water applicatio
Irrigation Management in High Tunnels
High tunnel irrigation management requires knowledge of the following concepts: 1) differences in soil water holding capacity 2) variances in plants rooting depth, 3) how changing environmental conditions impact plant water use, 4) proper water applicatio...
small farms
Operation and maintenance information for several irrigation system types used in small farms.
Small Acreage Irrigation System Operation and Maintenance
Operation and maintenance information for several irrigation system types used in small farms.
small farms
There are many things to consider when selecting an irrigation system.
Small Acreage Irrigation System Selection
There are many things to consider when selecting an irrigation system.
small farms
Low flow irrigation systems provide an efficient and effective way to water plants. A wide variety of emitters and delivery systems are available. Plant type, system capacity and filtration requirements are all important considerations when designing a lo
Small Acreage Low Flow (Micro or Drip) Irrigation System Design and Installation
Low flow irrigation systems provide an efficient and effective way to water plants. A wide variety of emitters and delivery systems are available. Plant type, system capacity and filtration requirements are all important considerations when designing a lo...
fruit crops
small farms
field crops
Soil salinity is a measure of the total amount of soluble salt in soil. As salinity levels increase, plants extract water less easily from soil, aggravating water stress conditions. High soil salinity can also cause nutrient imbalances, result in the accu
Terms and Tables for Water Measurements and Management
Soil salinity is a measure of the total amount of soluble salt in soil. As salinity levels increase, plants extract water less easily from soil, aggravating water stress conditions. High soil salinity can also cause nutrient imbalances, result in the accu...
small farms
Five key principles simplify understanding livestock movement: stewardship, personal state, energy, pressure zones, and release. When applied in unison with a willing mindset, each principle leads to a deeper understanding of livestock movement and growth
An Introspective Understanding of Livestock Movement
Five key principles simplify understanding livestock movement: stewardship, personal state, energy, pressure zones, and release. When applied in unison with a willing mindset, each principle leads to a deeper understanding of livestock movement and growth...
small grains
field crops
small farms
fruit crops
other crops
Deficit irrigation is any irrigation level that does not meet the crop’s full evapotranspiration (ET) demand, meaning evaporation from plant and soil surface and transpiration through plant growth.
Deficit Irrigation of Pastures
Deficit irrigation is any irrigation level that does not meet the crop’s full evapotranspiration (ET) demand, meaning evaporation from plant and soil surface and transpiration through plant growth.
small farms
In response to the increasing importance of small-scale urban farming, in 2021, legislation was passed for the state of Utah (House Bill 390) to establish the definition of urban farming as part of the modification of the Urban Farming Assessment Act.
Expected Vegetable Yields in Utah
In response to the increasing importance of small-scale urban farming, in 2021, legislation was passed for the state of Utah (House Bill 390) to establish the definition of urban farming as part of the modification of the Urban Farming Assessment Act.
small farms
value added
This document explains how the Double Up Food Bucks, a nutrition incentive program with SNAP, works for community supported agriculture programs in Utah.
Double Up Food Bucks CSA Program in Utah
This document explains how the Double Up Food Bucks, a nutrition incentive program with SNAP, works for community supported agriculture programs in Utah.
small farms
Utah often faces extreme temperatures in the summer and winter seasons. Due to the adverse weather, it can be difficult to raise pigs.
Maintaining Pig Temperatures in the Summer and Winter Seasons
Utah often faces extreme temperatures in the summer and winter seasons. Due to the adverse weather, it can be difficult to raise pigs.
field crops
fruit crops
small farms
Salts are a natural part of our arid zone soils, but they can be managed—good results always start with good information!
Plant Tolerance to Soil Salinity
Salts are a natural part of our arid zone soils, but they can be managed—good results always start with good information!
small farms
cwel irrigation
gardening basics
Due to water costs, and increasing water demands, gardeners need to be concerned about conservation. One effective way to conserve water is by utilizing drip irrigation.
Designing a Basic PVC Home Garden Drip Irrigation System
Due to water costs, and increasing water demands, gardeners need to be concerned about conservation. One effective way to conserve water is by utilizing drip irrigation.
small farms
In Utah, livestock are usually grazed from May through October and fed hay from November through April. By stockpiling pasture grasses (leaving a part of the pasture ungrazed from mid August to mid October), the grazing season can often be extended into D
How Much Feed and Forage You Need for Livestock
In Utah, livestock are usually grazed from May through October and fed hay from November through April. By stockpiling pasture grasses (leaving a part of the pasture ungrazed from mid August to mid October), the grazing season can often be extended into D...
small farms
field crops
fruit crops
There is a wide range of methods available to monitor soil moisture. When selecting a sensor, consider the advantages and disadvantages as well as what will work with your soil. Maintenance, skill level, and cost should also factor into your decision. If
Soil Moisture Measurement and Sensors for Irrigation Management
There is a wide range of methods available to monitor soil moisture. When selecting a sensor, consider the advantages and disadvantages as well as what will work with your soil. Maintenance, skill level, and cost should also factor into your decision. If ...
small farms
Follow these simple steps to take in bleeding air from a diesel fuel system.
Bleeding Air From Diesel Fuel Lines and Filters
Follow these simple steps to take in bleeding air from a diesel fuel system.
fruit crops
small farms
other crops
field crops
small grains
If you are connected to a municipal system, your water is probably categorized as “culinary or municipal water” and is used for everything from drinking and bathing to washing the car to watering tomatoes. However the Utah Division of Water Rights takes a
Water Rights in Utah
If you are connected to a municipal system, your water is probably categorized as “culinary or municipal water” and is used for everything from drinking and bathing to washing the car to watering tomatoes. However the Utah Division of Water Rights takes a...
field crops
other crops
small farms
fruit crops
small grains
Sodic soils are soils with excess sodium. Sodic soils are encountered with increasing frequency in Utah, usually in the lower, flatter areas of our valleys. Sodic soils probably developed over many years when the water table was high and the soils were to
Sodic Soils in Utah
Sodic soils are soils with excess sodium. Sodic soils are encountered with increasing frequency in Utah, usually in the lower, flatter areas of our valleys. Sodic soils probably developed over many years when the water table was high and the soils were to...
field crops
small grains
other crops
small farms
The Great Basin is primarily located in Nevada, western Utah, and small sections of southern Oregon and Idaho. The Great Basin is noted for its arid conditions and high percentage of publically owned land. The potential for solar energy generation in the
Economic Feasibility of Solar Photovoltaic Irrigation Systems
The Great Basin is primarily located in Nevada, western Utah, and small sections of southern Oregon and Idaho. The Great Basin is noted for its arid conditions and high percentage of publically owned land. The potential for solar energy generation in the ...
small farms
With an increasing push for more sustainable agriculture practices, the idea of raising pigs on pasture has gained a lot of attention over recent years.
Pasture Pig Basics
With an increasing push for more sustainable agriculture practices, the idea of raising pigs on pasture has gained a lot of attention over recent years.
field crops
fruit crops
small farms
Salts are naturally occurring, soluble minerals in areas where soil evaporation and plant water use (or transpiration) are both high, and precipitation is low. In that scenario, dissolved minerals concentrate over time as the extraction of essentially pu
Why Are Arid/Semi-Arid Zone Soils Salty, and Why Does it Matter?
Salts are naturally occurring, soluble minerals in areas where soil evaporation and plant water use (or transpiration) are both high, and precipitation is low. In that scenario, dissolved minerals concentrate over time as the extraction of essentially pu...
small farms
Grapes can be an excellent addition to home gardens and a revenue opportunity for small-acreage farms. Utah’s Wasatch Front region, along with portions of Cache Valley, are well suited to grow grapes, particularly the more cold-hardy cultivars. Many new c
Evaluation of Cold-Hardy Grapes on the Wasatch Front
Grapes can be an excellent addition to home gardens and a revenue opportunity for small-acreage farms. Utah’s Wasatch Front region, along with portions of Cache Valley, are well suited to grow grapes, particularly the more cold-hardy cultivars. Many new c...
small farms
value added
When you market your community supported agriculture (CSA) operation, you should consider the best communication tools to delivering information to potential and current shareholders, engaging your shareholders, and getting feedback. This fact sheet will
Community Supported Agriculture: Marketing & Outreach Strategies to Encourage Membership
When you market your community supported agriculture (CSA) operation, you should consider the best communication tools to delivering information to potential and current shareholders, engaging your shareholders, and getting feedback. This fact sheet will ...
value added
small farms
This article describes what community supported agriculture is, types of models, benefits, barriers, and CSAs in Utah.
Community Supported Agriculture: Definition, Benefits, Barriers, and Resources for Growers
This article describes what community supported agriculture is, types of models, benefits, barriers, and CSAs in Utah.
small farms
field crops
fruit crops
The use of fertigation for field and horticultural crops is increasing in Utah. Fertigation can be an effective method for improving nutrient stewardship and improving crop yield and quality. Keys to successful fertigation include irrigation system mainte
Fertigation Facts
The use of fertigation for field and horticultural crops is increasing in Utah. Fertigation can be an effective method for improving nutrient stewardship and improving crop yield and quality. Keys to successful fertigation include irrigation system mainte...
value added
small farms
This article explains how the Double Up Food Bucks nutrition incentive program works with SNAP at farm stands in Utah.
Double Up Food Bucks Program at Farm Stands in Utah
This article explains how the Double Up Food Bucks nutrition incentive program works with SNAP at farm stands in Utah.
small farms
small grains
other crops
fruit crops
field crops
The research community and fertilizer industry have developed and utilized a framework termed “4R nutrient management” to help improve fertilizer stewardship. For decades, national and international organizations and institutes such as The Fertilizer Inst
4R’s of Irrigation Management
The research community and fertilizer industry have developed and utilized a framework termed “4R nutrient management” to help improve fertilizer stewardship. For decades, national and international organizations and institutes such as The Fertilizer Inst...
small farms
Community agriculture initiatives are often run by organizations (1) relying on volunteer structures; (2) growing produce sustainably; and (3) aiming to improve health and access to food in their communities.
Community Agriculture: Concepts, Models, and Impacts
Community agriculture initiatives are often run by organizations (1) relying on volunteer structures; (2) growing produce sustainably; and (3) aiming to improve health and access to food in their communities.
small farms
fruit crops
field crops
Soil salinity is a measure of the total amount of soluble salt in soil. As salinity levels increase, plants extract water less easily from soil, aggravating water stress conditions. High soil salinity can also cause nutrient imbalances, result in the accu
Salinity and Plant Tolerance
Soil salinity is a measure of the total amount of soluble salt in soil. As salinity levels increase, plants extract water less easily from soil, aggravating water stress conditions. High soil salinity can also cause nutrient imbalances, result in the accu...