Research Articles

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Recent Research Articles

Food Security – What It Is and Why It Matters

This website provides comprehensive information on food security, including its definition, pillars, health consequences, resources available, and ways to support food security efforts. It offers a detailed list of federal programs, food banks, and other ...

Target Consumers for Locally Grown Fruit in Utah

This website provides a detailed analysis of the target consumers for locally grown fruits in Utah, emphasizing demographic differences, purchasing patterns, and lifestyle attitudes of those willing to pay premiums for locally sourced produce. It also off...

Target Consumers for Organically Grown Fruit in Utah

This website provides an analysis of the target consumers for organically grown fruits in Utah, focusing on demographic characteristics, purchasing behaviors, and attitudes of consumers willing to pay premiums for organic produce. It also offers insights ...

Reducing Food Waste at Home

Food loss in the U.S. occurs throughout the supply chain, with the largest portion happening at the consumer stage, leading to significant waste of resources like money, water, and calories that could feed millions. Practical solutions include meal planni...

Coping With Loneliness (Part 1): Look Inward

Experiencing loneliness sometimes is part of the human experience. However, when experienced long-term, loneliness can lead to detrimental impacts on physical, mental, and emotional health. In a series of four fact sheets, Utah State University (USU) Exte...

Coping With Loneliness (Part 2): Look Outward

The U.S. surgeon general named loneliness a top public health issue in the U.S. (Murthy, 2023). In response, Utah State University (USU) Extension faculty developed four fact sheets to describe some of the most effective ways to reduce loneliness. This se...

Preventing and Managing Gastric Ulcer Syndrome

Current industry trends regarding equine management practices largely contribute to the development of equine gastric ulcer syndrome (EGUS). Research on effective medical management exists; however, we lack studies on the efficacy of equine-welfare-minded...

Intermountain West Florist Market Overview and Outlook

Americans purchase 10 million cut flowers daily, spending close to $7 billion annually (Tegethoff, 2023). The majority (80%) of the flowers sold in the U.S. are grown internationally in climate-optimal countries, such as Ecuador, Columbia, and Kenya (Li, ...

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