Kane County resident finds remote job as accountant with LedgerGurus

Emilee Ferrin

"Living in a rural community, jobs in your field of study cna be few and far between, or unavailable all together. After graduating from SUU with a Bachelors of Accounting, it was important to me to fiind a career I could grow in and continue living where I wanted. Remote work seemed to be the most fitting option, but I wasn't sure where to begin. After graduation, my advisor told me about the Rural Online Initative program and encouraged me to complete the Certified Remote Work Certificate course as a means to open some doors to remote work. It opened my eyes to the world of remote work and how to be successful at it. I learned A LOT from the course and have been able to utilize the skills I learned in my current position.

I am actually hoping to have some time in the near future to continue in the ROI program and take the Certified Remote Work Leader course. I feel like it could benefit me as I move up in my career. Finding remote work wasn't easy. I had applied for the job I currently hold more than a year ago, but it didn't work out. I was persistent and applied again. This time, it worked! Remote work is a perfect fit for me and my lifestyle. I feel honored to work for LedgerGurus, they are an amazing company. My advice to those who are looking for remote work is, don't give up! If you find a company you really want to work for, be consistent, persistent, and stay positive. You will find the right job for you if you stick with it."

- Emilee Ferrin, Kane County