Rural Online Initiative

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Hybrid Remote Operations

This course is designed to equip business leaders with the necessary tools and skills to effectively introduce, manage, and optimize remote and hybrid teams to achieve organizational goals. Throughout the 10-module learning experience, participants will explore how to implement a hybrid-remote strategy tailored to their business. Key objectives include:

  1. Understanding the historical context of remote work and identifying roles within your organization suited for remote settings.
  2. Grasping the challenges and opportunities presented by hybrid-remote business operations.
  3. Assessing your organization’s specific needs to evaluate the compatibility with remote work and the benefits of adopting a hybrid-remote model.
  4. Developing a strategic plan to transition your team to hybrid-remote operations effectively.

The course is self-paced with an estimated completion time of 2 hours and includes interactive modules and practical examples. Upon finishing, participants will receive a certificate of completion and an online badge to acknowledge their expertise in managing hybrid-remote teams.

Course Overview


Module 1: Introduction & Objectives

Kick off your journey by understanding the purpose of the course, your role as a leader, and how you can steer your organization through the transition to hybrid-remote operations.


Module 2: The history of remote work

Delve into the origins of remote work from the 1970s to its evolution through technological advancements, emphasizing its longstanding viability as a business model.


Module 3: Who can work remote?

Explore which roles within your organization are best suited for remote work, identify common planning pitfalls, and learn how to craft a strategic implementation roadmap.


Module 4: Challenges of remote work

Understand the hesitations and obstacles that may arise with remote work adoption, supported by insights and studies on productivity and organizational culture.


Module 5: A new equilibrium

Discuss the reluctance to shift away from traditional office settings and how to overcome these challenges with strategic boundary-setting and successful hybrid policy implementations.


Module 6: Evaluating your organization’s needs

Prepare to design a hybrid-remote work model tailored to your organization’s specific needs, using structured surveys to gather essential employee and management insights.


Module 7: Hybrid-Remote leadership

Focus on the leadership strategies necessary for hybrid-remote success, from maintaining presence to fostering engagement and trust across dispersed teams.


Module 8: Structural planning

Redefine the concept of the office and implement the 3-2 model, aligning team schedules to foster community and address work interdependencies effectively.


Module 9: Evaluate & Relaunch

Outline the practical steps for launching and continuously refining your hybrid-remote work model, emphasizing the importance of feedback and adaptation.


Module 10: Conclusion

Conclude the course by reviewing key learnings and the steps forward, reinforcing the importance of adaptation and continuous improvement in the hybrid-remote context.


Course Fees

Course Start Date Course Fee Description
Ongoing/Open Enrollment     $25/Student Standard admission fee for in-state and out-of-state students.  

FAQ's about the Course

The course fee is $25/participant.

Yes! You can sign up for the course at any time and complete it at your own pace.

This self-paced course takes approximately 2-3 hours to complete.

  1. Apply & pay for the course.
  2. Within the next 3 business days, you will be sent an email invitation to access the course. 
  3. Begin the modules. 

The course is graded on a pass/fail basis. To successfully complete the course, you will need to do all of the following:
  1. Complete all of the modules, including any assignments contained within each module
  2. Pass each assessment with a minimum score of 80 percent

If you have questions or need support, please email