Rural Online Initiative


Welcome to our Publications section! Explore a collection of research articles that illuminate remote work, rural workforce development, and related domains. Authored by experts, these publications offer valuable insights, from factors influencing remote job satisfaction to strategies for effective online courses. Join us in navigating these resources and contributing to the ongoing conversation in the ever-evolving landscape of remote and rural work.

Ali, A. D. & Hill, P. A. (2023). The Remote Online Initiative: A legislative strategy for rural workforce development in Utah. Outcomes & Impacts Quarterly.
Ali, A. D., Narine, L. K., Hill, P. A., & Bria, D. C. (2023). Factors Affecting Remote-Workers’ Job Satisfaction in Utah: An Exploratory Study. Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health.
Hill, P. A., Ali, A. D., Swadley, E. A. & Goodrich, R. O. (2023). Selecting Appropriate Technology for an Effective Online Extension Course. Journal of Extension.
Hill, P. A., Ali, A. D., Narine, L. K., & Spielmaker, D. M. (2022). A Descriptive Analysis of Remote Work Adoption in the United States. Journal of Human Sciences & Extension.
Hill, P. A., Ali, A. D., Narine, L. K., Schmutz, A. T., Riskas, T. M. & Spielmaker, D. M. (2022). Evaluating Utah’s Rural Online Initiative: Empowering Organizational Leaders Through Remote Work. Journal of Extension.

Schmutz, A. T., Campbell, A., Bean, A., Ali, A. D., Hill, P. A. & Swadley, E. A. (2022). Preparing Rural Youth for the Future of Work through Remote Work Education. Outcomes & Impacts Quarterly.
Ali, A. D., Hill, P. A., & Bria, D. C. (2021). Communicating Program Outcomes and Impact Using Data Visualization Dashboards. Outcomes & Impacts Quarterly.
Ali, A. D. & Hill, P. A. (2021). The Rural Online Initiative: Short-term Outcomes of USU Extension Master Remote Work Leader Course. Outcomes & Impacts Quarterly.
Ali, A. D. & Hill, P. A. (2021). The Rural Online Initiative: Remote Work and COVID-19. Outcomes & Impacts Quarterly.
Hill, P. A. & Schmutz, A. T. (2021). Remote: Office Not Required – A Book Review. Journal of Extension.
Hill, P. A., Ali, A. D., Narine, L. K., Spielmaker, D. M., & Schmutz, A. T. (2020). Evaluating Utah’s Rural Online Initiative: Empowering Rural Communities Through Remote Work. Journal of Extension.


The publications on this website are authored by experts in the fields of remote work, rural workforce development, and related areas. Notable authors include Ali, A. D., Hill, P. A., Narine, L. K., Schmutz, A. T., Spielmaker, D. M., and others who have contributed to advancing knowledge in these domains.

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The publications cover a wide range of topics related to remote work, rural workforce development, job satisfaction, organizational psychology, technology adoption, and more. These articles offer insights, analysis, and research findings that contribute to a deeper understanding of these subjects.

Each publication includes details about its authors, title, journal, and publication date. You can use these details to create accurate citations for your own research or academic work.