Red Firebug
Pyrrhocoris apterus
- 1/4 - 1/2 inch long
- vibrant red and black coloration
- wings generally shortened and red with two large black spots
- piercing/sucking mouthparts
- can emit a foul odor
Nesting Habits
- found in grass, leaf litter, trees and around or on buildings
- seek shade during the day
- seeds from a wide variety of plants
- nuisance pest
- may congregate in large numbers on structures or plants
- can stain carpet and fabrics if crushed
IPM Recommendations
- Caulk or seal openings, foundation cracks and around plumbing, gas or electrical conduits to prevent entry.
- Install weather stripping around doors and windows and repair screens.
- Use a vacuum to collect insects indoors and outdoors.
- Spray congregations directly with insecticidal soap.
For more information, see our Red Firebug fact sheet.