Oriental Cockroach
Blatta orientalis
- dark brown to black with wings that are not as long as the body or that appear absent
Nesting Habits
- often found in basements, cellars, crawl spaces and sewers, near drains, leaky pipes and faucets and under refrigerators and sinks
- also referred to as “water bugs” because they can be found in cool, damp, dark areas
- infestations common in spring through fall
- very commonly come up and out of floor drains
- garbage and decaying organic material
- cause allergic reactions, similar to asthma, in some people
- may transmit disease
IPM Recommendations
- Prevent roaches from coming out of drains.
- Improve sanitation.
- Store food in pest-proof containers.
- Inspect and monitor all areas where food is prepared, stored, or eaten, and where moisture and heat are present or where floor drains exist.
- Use cockroach traps to determine infestation level, harborage location, movement and control success.
- Repair leaks or plumbing malfunctions.
- Caulk and install weather stripping and door sweeps where cockroaches can potentially enter the building.
- Use cockroach baits and/or boric acid dust to control populations.
- Vacuum (with a HEPA filter) roaches and egg cases.