Hobo and Grass Spiders


Hobo Spider

Hobo spider (Ryan Davis, Utah State University Extension)

House spider

Domestic house spider (Sanchom, Wikimedia Commons)

Grass spider & other image Funnelweb-type web made by grass spiders, hobo spiders and other funnelweb spiders (David Stephens, Bugwood.org)

Adult grass spider (Joseph Berger, Bugwood.org)


  • adult bodies up to 3/8 inch long (longer including legs)
  • robust, fast moving spiders
  • many funnelweb spiders look similar; verify your spider identification with Utah State University Extension

Nesting Habits

  • outside in grass, gardens, ornamental plants and trees, along foundations, log piles, under rocks and lawn ornaments, etc.
  • often found in tubs and sinks, or running along the floor indoors


  • insects


  • hobo spider: evidence suggests that hobo spiders do not cause necrotic lesions in humans
  • very common indoors between August and October
  • spiders should be considered beneficial

IPM Recommendations

  • Minimize nesting habitat around property (rocks, logs, etc.).
  • Seal exterior cracks and crevices.
  • Install tight-fitting door sweeps at the base of all exterior doors.
  • Vacuum individuals that enter buildings.
  • Step on or smash individual spiders that enter.
  • Catch and release (with a glass jar) spiders found indoors.
  • Change exterior lighting to sodium vapor bulbs.
  • Use pest monitors to capture invading spiders, especially between August and October.

Additional Resources:

Hobo Spider fact sheet

IPM for Spiders: Integrated Pest Management in Sensitive Environments (University of Nebraska-Lincoln Extension)