Fact Sheets - Turfgrass Diseases

For more turfgrass disease information reference the Common Turfgrass Pests of Utah Guide

Necrotic Ring Spot

Necrotic Ring Spot (NRS) is a fungal disease that primarily affects the roots of turfgrasses. The disease occurs on turfgrasses worldwide. Many turf species can serve as host to the disease.

Snow Mold on Turfgrass

Snow molds are fungi that attack turfgrass under snow cover or in cool, wet weather. There are two different types of snow mold fungi that can infect grass and they can occur together on a plant.

Take-All Patch

Take-all patch is a fungal disease of turfgrasses that primarily affects the roots of certain grass species. It has become a major disease of cool-season turfgrasses and can be found in many parts of the United States.