Fact Sheets - Landscape & Ornamental Diseases

For more landscape and ornamental disease information reference the Ornamental Pests of Utah Guide

Coryneum Blight or Shothole

Coryneum blight, also called shothole blight, is a fungal disease of stone fruit trees including peach, nectarine, apricot, cherry, and almond (ornamental as well as nut-bearing); however, the most commonly affected are apricot, peach, and nectarine.

Coryneum or Shothole Blight

Coryneum blight, also called shothole blight, is a fungal disease of stone fruit trees including peach, nectarine, apricot, cherry, and almond (ornamental as well as nut bearing); however, the most commonly affected are apricot, peach, and nectarine.

Dothistroma Needle Blight

Dothistroma needle blight is a fungal disease that occurs on a variety of coniferous trees. It is also known as “red band disease” in the western United States because of the distinct red banding symptoms that are produced.

Important Pests of Ornamental Aspen

Aspens are one of the more popular forest trees in the Intermountain West. They add a brilliant yellow glow to the collage of fall colors. In an attempt to enjoy these beautiful trees around the home environment, many well-intentioned homeowners purchase ...

Spruce Health in Utah Landscapes

Spruces tend to prefer abundant moisture and may not do well on droughty sites. Water stress caused by too little soil moisture or too much heat can predispose spruces to insect attack.

Sudden Oak Death and Ramorum Blight

Sudden oak death (SOD) and ramorum blight are caused by Phytophthora ramorum, a non-native water mold (oomycete) that originates from parts of Asia. Sudden oak death was given its name due to the appearance that entire trees were dying in just 2 to 4

Thousand Cankers Disease of Walnut

Thousand cankers is a newly recognized disease of walnuts, caused by a fungus (Geosmithia morbida) that is spread by the walnut twig beetle (Pityophthorus juglandis). The beetle is endemic to the native range of Arizona walnut (Arizona, New Mexico, an