Fact sheets - Turf Insects

For more turfgrass insect information reference the Common Turfgrass Pests of Utah Guide

Armyworms And Cutworms In Turfgrass

Armyworms and cutworms can be found all over the United States, with at least three species found in Utah. These insects belong to a large group of night-flying moths in the family Noctuidae. Although not new pests to turfgrass, armyworms and cutworms are...

Billbugs in Turfgrass

Billbugs are weevils, a type of beetle, in the genus Sphenophorus. At least 10 billbug species are known pests of turfgrass and can be found in both warm and cool season turfgrasses throughout the United States.

Black Grass Bugs

Black grass bugs will feed on a variety of range grasses (e.g. wheatgrass, brome grass, orchardgrass, bluegrass) and field crops (e.g. barley, wheat, rye, oats). Great Basin wildrye and wheatgrasses are preferred if available, especially blue bunch wh

Chinch Bugs

Chinch bugs are “true bugs”. In Utah, the common chinch bug [Blissus leucopterus leucopterus (Say)], and western chinch bug (Blissus occiduus) may feed on turfgrass, especially under conditions of severe heat and drought.

Common Crane Fly in Turf

The common crane fly is a newly detected turf pest in Utah that was found in golf course greens. A few species of crane fly have larval stages that feed on turfgrass.

Cranberry Girdler

Cranberry girdler, Chrysoteuchia topiaria, can be found throughout the U.S., but is particularly damaging to turfgrass seed production areas in the Pacific Northwest. This insect was first detected in northern and northeastern Utah during the early 1980’s...

Japanese Beetle

This fact sheet describes the invasive Japanese beetle (JB) and lists vegetative hosts that can be affected by JB, including ornamental plants, trees, shrubs, turfgrass and vegetables. This pest can cause significant damage in high numbers. It was first d...

Sod Webworms

The term “sod webworm” refers to an insect complex of more than twenty different grass-infesting species. Adult sod webworms are pyralid moths, but are more commonly referred to as “snout moths” because their mouthparts are projected forward. Sod webwor

White Grubs

White grubs are the most widespread and destructive insect pest of turfgrass. White grubs are the immature form of scarab beetles. There are several established white grub species in Utah, including masked chafers, May/June beetles, and the black turfgras...