November 2007 Erin W. Hodgson, Extension Entomology Specialist (No longer at USU) • Ron Patterson, Carbon County Extension (No longer at USU)
What You Should Know
Fig. 1. Spined assassin bug adult. Image courtesy of Susan Ellis (
Fig. 2. Bee assassin bug adult. Image courtesy of Whitney Cranshaw, Colorado State University Extension (
True bugs are fluid feeding insects that suck out juices from plants and animals.
Nymphs and adults feed on the same prey, especially soft-bodied insects like aphids and caterpillars.
Predatory true bugs are usually not host-specific, meaning they do not have a preference for feeding on certain prey.
True bugs have piercing-sucking mouthparts (Fig. 1) and belong to the order Hemiptera and suborder Heteroptera. There are more than 38,000 species of true bugs, and are most closely related to aphids, cicadas, and leaf hoppers. Although some true bugs are considered pests, about one-third are predaceous. True bugs have forewings, or hemelytra, that cross over the back at rest, but sometimes the wings are reduced (Figs. 1-3). Hemelytra are hardened at the base and membranous near the end. A triangular patch between the forewings is usually noticeable. True bugs have 5-segmented antennae and scent glands. Sometimes the first pair of legs are modified for grasping prey, as with the praying mantids. Common predatory bugs include: ambush bugs, assassin bugs, big-eyed bugs, damsel bugs, minute pirate bugs, and stink bugs.
Fig. 3. True bugs mate end-to-end. Image courtesy of Whitney Cranshaw, Colorado State University Extension (
True Bug Life Cycle
True bugs, and all Hemipterans, go through simple or incomplete metamorphosis. Males and females will mate end-to-end (Fig. 3), or facing away from each other. Mated females lay eggs singly or in small masses near potential food sources. Nymphs hatch from the eggs and begin to search for small prey items. Nymphs look similar to the adults except they are smaller in size and lack functional wings; nymphs will develop wing pads as they mature. They pass through five instars before finally molting into an adult. Total development time is dependant on the weather, but generally there are several generations per year.
Reduviidae - Assassin Bugs
Reduviidae is a large family of assassin bugs with more than 7,000 species in the world. Adults range from 4-40 mm in length and are brown, black, red or orange in color. Most assassin bugs have an elongated head accentuated by a narrow neck, long legs and an obvious curved piercing stylet or beak (Figs. 1, 4-5). Another distinctive trait is the tip of the beak fits into a groove of the thorax and rasps against ridges to produce sound. Assassin bugs eat a variety of prey, including grasshoppers, beetles, flies, bees, and other plant-eating true bugs.
Fig. 4. Assassin bug adult feeding on a fly. Image courtesy of Sturgis McKeever, Georgia Southern University (
Fig. 5. Assassin bug nymph feeding on a leafminer fly. Image courtesy of Whitney Cranshaw, Colorado State University Extension (
Geocoridae - Bigeyed Bugs
Geocoridae is a small family of predatory insects, with only 275 bigeyed bug species in the world. Adults are brown or black in color, and range from 3-5 mm in length. Adults have a triangular head with large, prominent eyes that occasionally extend over the back (Figs. 6-7). These predators are commonly found on weeds, sparse grass, in woods and near streams. Prey items include eggs, caterpillars, leafhoppers, mites, thrips, whiteflies, and aphids. Sometimes bigeyed bugs are mistaken for chinch bugs or other pests.
Anthocoridae are small predatory bugs, with about 600 species in the world. Adults range from 0.5-6 mm in length and have dark bodies with black and white forewings (Figs. 8-7). Minute pirate bugs have oval bodies that are somewhat flattened. Adults have large, prominent eyes. These predators are found in ground litter and grass, and attack insect eggs, aphids, scales, and spider mites. Minute pirate bugs are also released into greenhouses for biological control.
Fig. 8. Minute pirate bug nymph feeding on an aphid. Images courtesy of Bradley Higbee, Paramount Farming (
Fig. 9. Minute pirate bug adult feeding on an insect egg. Image courtesy of John Ruberson, University of Georgia (
Pentatomidae - Stink Bugs
Pentatomidae is a large family of stink bugs, with over 4,500 species in the world. In general, stink bugs are larger (8-20 mm in length) and wider compared to other true bugs (Figs. 3, 10). All stink bugs are usually green or brown camoflauged to blend in the background (Fig. 11 ). Adults resemble a shield and have a stubby beak. If disturbed, stink bugs will emit a rancid liquid derived from cyanide compounds. Stink bugs can be found in fields, meadows, and on herbaceous plants. These predators will feed on eggs and caterpillars.
Fig. 10. Spined soldier bug nymph eating a caterpillar. Image courtesy of Russ Otters, University of Georgia (
Fig. 11. Stink bug eggs. Image courtesy of Whitney Cranshaw, Colorado State University Extension (
Nabidae - Damsel Bugs
Nabidae is a family of predatory damsel bugs, with about 400 species in the world. Adults range from 8-12 mm in length, and are considered thin and soft-bodied compared to other true bugs (Figs. 12-13). Most damsel bugs are brown in color and grasping forelegs. These predators are found in low vegetated areas and prey on many crop pests, including caterpillars, aphids, and plant-feeding bugs.
Mantids refer to an entire predatory group of insects in the order Mantodea. The term “mantis” or “praying mantis” actually refers to a particular genus of mantids. Therefore, only some mantids belong to the genus Mantis. There are about 2,000 species of
True bugs have piercing-sucking mouthparts and belong to the order Hemiptera and suborder Heteroptera. There are more than 38,000 species of true bugs, and are most closely related to aphids, cicadas, and leaf hoppers. Although some true bugs are con
Bees provide an important ecosystem service by contributing to the pollination of crop and wild plant species. The nonnative honey bee (Apis mellifera) is often recognized as the most important of the bee pollinators; however, the roughly 4,000 native Nor
Utah is home to about 1,000 named species of native bees, with several hundred species living in any one valley and adjacent montane habitats. Urbanization takes its toll on native bees, but many species can persist with a little help from gardeners and
Aphids are prey to many predatory insects, spiders, and parasitoids. Healthy predatory populations keep aphid populations low, which can reduce or eliminate the need for chemical controls.
Choose insecticides that are non hazardous to bees whenever possible. The more hazardous insecticide active ingredients include many of the organophosphates and the carbamates, and some of the synthetic pyrethroids and neonicotinoids.
Syrphid are beneficial predators of small soft-bodied pests like aphids, thrips, and scale insects. Adults may feed on pollen and nectar, pollinating plants in the process.
Big-eyed bugs are generalist predators that consume a wide variety of small prey including insect eggs, mites, aphids, and small caterpillars. These beneficial bugs can be found in landscapes, gardens, and many vegetable and field crops.
Blue orchard bees are solitary (do not live in a hive) and nest in pre-existing cavities. Blue orchard bees prefer fruit trees from the family Rosaceae, including apple, cherry, and peach.
Damsel bugs are generalist predators that consume a wide variety of prey including insect eggs, caterpillars, mites, and aphids. These beneficial bugs can be found in landscapes, gardens, and many field crops.
About 1,100 species of native bees reside in Utah. Some wild bees are superb pollinators of Utah's tree fruits, raspberries, squashes, melons and cucumbers. Few of our native bees have much venom or any inclination to sting.
Predatory mites feed on all life stages of many small arthropods and target pest spider mites. Most predatory mite species do best in humid conditions and controlled environments such as greenhouses and high tunnels.
There are at least two families of stink bug parasitoids in Utah, Eupelmidae and Scelionidae. These are small, typically black wasps that may be mistaken for small gnats or ants. They will fly in search of stink bug egg masses. Once they find the eggs, th
A beginner's guide to help identify common native bees in Utah, including social and solitary bees. The exotic western honey bee and bee "mimics" are also included, as well as information on human impacts on bees and what you can do to promote bee health.
In June 2019, the samurai wasp [Trissolcus japonicus (Ashmead)] was discovered in Salt Lake City. This exotic parasitoid wasp is the most promising agent for biological control of BMSB and is uniquely evolved to lay its eggs inside of BMSB eggs. Help us p
There are many beneficial beetles in Utah besides lady beetles or ladybugs. Beetles can significantly reduce common insect and weed problems and in some cases eliminate the need for chemical control. Examples of beneficial beetles include: ground beetles,
Lacewings and antlions are insects in the order Neuroptera. There are over 4,000 different species of lacewings and antlions throughout the world. In general, the adults have soft bodies, long antennae, and prominent eyes. Also, lacewings and antlions
The blue orchard bee (Osmia lignaria) is native to North America and is a highly efficient pollinator of orchards (Bosch and Kemp 2001; Peterson and Artz 2014). These bees reliably visit rosaceous orchard and caneberry flowers, especially in western U. S.
Bee hotels (also called “bee boxes” and “bee blocks”) are popular additions to Utah backyards and commercial agriculture alike, adding nesting habitat to aid local pollination efforts and address native pollinator declines. Common hotel residents inc