Plant Health News
Vegetable Production Guidebook Update
The fifth edition of the Utah Vegetable Production Guidebook is now available! The guidebook is designed for commercial and small-scale vegetable producers in Utah.
Delphinium and Larkspur Pests
Insects and plant diseases present significant threats to the quality and marketability of cut flowers, capable of causing physical damage, reducing aesthetic appeal, and compromising the overall health of floral crops. Both delphinium and larkspur are no...
Conditions for Grasshopper Survival
Grasshoppers spend the winter as eggs in the soil, unaffected by cold air temperatures. The high snowpack we had in the winter of 2023 provided insulation allowing populations to skyrocket.
2024 Garden Pest Academy
This 3-part class series will train participants on vegetable insect and plant disease identification along with concepts of integrated pest management.
Avoiding Ticks
Ticks are commonly found in Utah from the time of snowmelt through mid-July, and they can become active again in the fall.
2023 Virtual Vegetable Twilight Meetings
Join us for the virtual vegetable twilight meetings. Learn about vegetable production and pest management techniques.
2023 Winter IPM Workshops
Join us for one of the Winter IPM Workshops. Learn skills on identifying and managing various insects in fruit, vegetable, and ornamentals.
New Virus Diseases Discovered on Utah Cut Flowers
Two new viruses were detected this year in Utah's cut flower production. The Tobacco Rattle Virus in Peony and the Freesia Sneak Virus in Freesia.
New Guide for Tomato Disorders
USU Extension has a new guide to help identify problems that may occur in Utah's tomato production that are not pathogen or arthropod related. This guide covers the identification and management of these problems.
New Guide for Hemp Pests
USU Extension has a new guide to help identify arthropods and disease pests that affect Utah hemp production. This guide covers identification, biology, and management of the various pests.
Where the Wild Bees Are
Bumblebee species that are climate-sensitive, living in fragmented or low-elevation habitats, or are already at their upper elevation limit, have an increased likelihood of local extinction as suitable habitats disappear.
Trap Crops to Control Squash Bugs
In 2021, the USU Extension IPM program conducted trials at the USU Kaysville and Greenville research farms in northern Utah to determine if hubbard squash is a viable trap crop for Utah's climate.
Box Tree Moth: A New Invasive Pest of Concern
The box tree moth (Cydalima perspectalis) is a new invasive pest to the U.S. It is native to temperate and subtropical regions in eastern Asia. This pest was first detected in North America in Toronto in 2018.
Research Efforts to Curb Balsam Woolly Adelgid
True firs are important high-elevation trees that are threatened by numerous stressors. Adding to the list of stressors is the balsam woolly adelgid, a small plant-feeding insect that was discovered in northern Utah in 2017.
Invasive Zebra Mussels on Moss Balls
Moss balls are beloved, velvety algal plants that decorate aquariums. Unfortunately, they may be aiding the movement of a destructive invasive. The zebra mussel is a fresh-water mollusk
Coming to Terms with Termites
Termites are social insects that live in colonies and have a caste system that includes workers, soldiers, swarmers (winged), and queens/kings, each of which has its own role to fulfill.
Extended Drought May Cause Acceleration of Ips Bark Beetles
As the current drought in the western U.S. stretches into multiple years, be on the look-out for sustained stress in native and ornamental conifers. Dry soils in the spring and fall, when supplemental irrigation is typically absent, can be especially stre...
Pesticide Safety Round Tables
Dr. Michael Weirda, our USU Extension Pesticide Safety Specialist will be leading discussions for homeowners on various topics related to pesticide safety. These roundtables will be streamed on Facebook and happen on the last Thursday of every month.
Dahlia Mosaic Virus
Dahlias are popular in Utah’s cut flower industry, but can be affected by viruses. The USU Extension Plant Pathology lab identified several viruses in dahlia plants collected from Utah farms as well as in tubers and seed purchased from suppliers. One of t...
The House Mouse - Not Your Storybook Christmas Mouse
“Twas the night before Christmas, when all through the house, not a creature was stirring, not even a mouse.” The opening line of Charles Moore’s poem creates the impression of slumbering mice awaiting the arrival of Santa. In Anne Mortimer's book, “The C...
Preserve your Jack-O-Lanterns
Carving pumpkins into jack-o’-lanterns is an art form that comes in all shapes, sizes, and levels of difficulty. The final product (usually) makes the pumpkin carvers proud and anxious to display their work. However, often just a few days later, the pumpk...
Hemp Disease to Look Out For
Several species of Pythium from both greenhouse and field production of hemp have been identified in Utah. To date we have found three species – Pythium ultimum, P. dissotocum and P. myriotylum. P. ultimum has a wide host range including vegetables and fi...