Integrated Pest Management
Small Fruit Diseases of Utah
Host | Disease | Pathogen | Occurrence |
Currant and Gooseberry | Powdery Mildew | Sphaerotheca mors-uvae | Widespread |
Grape | Bunch Rot | Botrytis cinerea | Widespread |
Crown Gall | Agrobacterium tumefaciens | Occasional | |
Pierce's Disease | Xylella fastidiosa | Occasional | |
Powdery Mildew | Uncinula necator | Widespread | |
Verticillium Wilt | Verticillium dahliae | Occasional | |
Raspberry | Bacterial Blight | Pseudomonas syringae | Occasional |
Leaf Curl | virus | Widespread | |
Raspberry Mosaic Virus | virus | Widespread | |
Root Rot | Phytophthora spp. | Occasional | |
Rust | Phragmidium rubi-idaei | ||
Stem Canker | Rhizoctonia solani | Widespread | |
Verticillium Wilt | Verticillium dahliae | Occasional | |
Raspberry Bushy Dwarf Virus | virus | Occasional | |
Strawberry |
Black Root Rot | fungal complex | Widespread |
Fruit Rot | Botrytis cinerea | Widespread | |
Leaf Spot | Mycosphaerella fragariae | Occasional | |
Powwdery Mildew | Sphaerotheca humuli | Widespread |