Plant Health
Educational Videos
Educational videos produced by USU Extension specialists on identification and management of various arthropod, vertebrate, and plant disease pests along with pollinators and other beneficial insects. Additional videos provide tutorials and explainations of various IPM methods that can be applied on farms and home gardens. All videos are housed on USU Extension's YouTube Channel.
General Integrated Pest Management Videos
- Beating Tray Assembly
- Delta Trap Assembly
- Garden Overwintering Preparation
- Greenhouse Sanitation
- Integrated Pest Management Strategies on a Farm
- Plastic Mulch for Weed Control
- Row Covers for Pest Prevention
- Scouting Your Garden for Pests
- Straw Mulch for Weed Control
- Sweep Net Sampling
- Trap Cropping Methods
Vegetable Insect Pest Videos
- Cabbage Loopers
- Corn Earworm/Tomato Fruitworm
- Diamondback Moths
- Earwigs
- Flea Beetles
- Grasshoppers
- Grasshopper Feeding
- Grasshopper Identification
- Grasshopper Management
- Imported Cabbageworms
- Leafminers
- Sampling Onions for Thrips
- Squash Bugs
- Thrips and Viruses in Onions
- Three-lined Potato Beetles
- Western Corn Rootworms
Vegetable Disease Pest Videos
- Blossom End Rot
- Early Blight in Tomatoes and Peppers
- Powdery Mildew in Cucurbits
- Pumpkin Carving Preservation
- Thrips and Viruses in Onions
- Verticillium and Fusarium Wilt in Cantaloupes
Fruit Insect Pest Videos
Fruit Disease Pest Videos
Field and Forage Pest Videos
Ornamentals and Landscape Pest Videos
Structural/Nusiance Videos