Utah Plant Pest Diagnostic Lab

Images of Tick Survey

home made drag

A home-made drag used to collect ticks. The bright white of this 1 x 1.25 meter cloth makes ticks easily visible, while the flannel allows ticks to easily grab hold and stay securely on the flag. To view other images of the tick drag click the links below:


A captured Dermacentor sp tick on the flag. Dermacentor's were the most common tick captured in this survey.

jared kunz

Jared Kunz dragging a flag across a field in Harker Canyon Southwest of Vernon, Utah.

femal ixodes

A female Ixodes tick captured in Harker Canyon, Utah.

male ixodes

A male Ixodes tick collected in Harker Canyon.

ventral picture of female ixode

Ventral picture of female Ixodes tick.