Fact Sheets - Fruit Diseases

For more fruit disease information reference the Intermountain Commercial Tree Fruit Production Guide and Utah Home Orchard Pest Management Guide

Coryneum or Shothole Blight

Coryneum blight, also called shothole blight, is a fungal disease of stone fruit trees including peach, nectarine, apricot, cherry, and almond (ornamental as well as nut bearing); however, the most commonly affected are apricot, peach, and nectarine.

Fire Blight in Utah: An Annual Management Guide

Fire blight is a serious disease of apple and pear trees. In the last decade in Utah, there were several seasons where this disease caused extensive losses. The prime conditions for infection require the combination of open blossoms, warm temperatures

Fire Blight of Pears and Apples

Fire blight is a bacterial disease of rosaceous plants. Economically, it is most serious on pears and apples. The bacterium that causes fire blight can be spread by insects, contaminated pruning or grafting tools, infected grafts, and any manner that carr...

Peach Leaf Curl

The disease is caused by the fungus Taphrina deformans. Disease is most severe during cool wet conditions. Foliage is susceptible until it is fully expanded. Infected leaves are distorted and discolored (yellow, red or sometimes purple).