Integrated Pest Management

Brown Garden Snail

Cornu aspersum


Adult garden snail (Joseph Berger,

snail eggs

Garden snail eggs (Chai, Wikimedia Commons)


Overwintering garden snails (Roger Griffith, Wikimedia Commons)

Pest Description

  • ~1 1/3 inches long; whorled brown shell with orangish, tan and black markings
  • immatures are smaller versions of the adults
  • eggs are round, pearly white and laid in the soil

Host Plants, Diet & Damage

  • many; boxwood, rose, hibiscus, and peach commonly damaged
    primarily chew on the foliage of host plants
  • may cause minor damage to twigs and branches

Biology, Life Cycle & Damaging Life Stage

  • overwinter within shell around plantings
  • become active in the spring, mate and lay eggs
  • snails take 2 to 3 years to reach maturity
  • mostly active at night
  • immatures and adults are damaging

IPM Recommendations

  • Control is difficult; manage numbers below threshold.
  • Minimize soil moisture; increase time between watering.
  • Choose resistant plants.
  • Eliminate habitat that promotes protection and moisture.
  • Handpick snails from vegetation.
  • Use barriers such as copper strips.
  • Use baited and unbaited traps to catch and remove or kill snails.
  • Apply snail baits (iron phosphate; metaldehyde; sodium ferric EDTA; sulfur).

For more information, see our Controlling Slugs and Snails in Utah fact sheet.