Integrated Pest Management

Lilac-Ash Borer

Podosesia syringae 

lilac-ash borer

Lilac-ash borer (James Solomon, USDA Forest Service,

lilac-ash borer larva

Lilac-ash borer larva (James Solomon, USDA Forest Service,

lilac-ash borer damage

Dieback caused by lilac-ash borer (James Solomon, USDA Forest Service,

Pest Description

  • adults: 1 – 1 1/2 inches; black with yellow markings
  • look like paper wasps
  • larvae: up to 1 inch; pinkish-white with a brown head capsule

Host Plants, Diet & Damage

  • ash; privet; lilac
  • major pest of smaller ash trees in Utah
  • larvae feed on cambium tissue and sapwood
  • primarily found in the trunk and larger branches
  • limb and canopy dieback are common
  • leave irregularly round exit holes
  • pupal skins extrude from exit holes (eventually fall out)

Biology, Life Cycle & Damaging Life Stage

  • overwinter as larvae in chambers in the trunk
  • adults are active late-April through late-July (northern Utah)
  • eggs laid on bark
  • larvae bore directly into cambium/sapwood layers to feed
  • one generation per year
  • larvae are the damaging stage

IPM Recommendations

  • Monitor using delta traps and a clearwing moth pheromone lure starting in April.
  • Hang monitors from branches at about shoulder height.
  • Keep trees healthy and stress free.
  • Do not plant ash (Fraxinus spp.) trees.
  • Use a horticultural tree wrap to protect from winter sun.
  • Use renewal pruning to remove older, more susceptible branches.
  • Prior to moth flight, apply an insecticide (anthranilic diamide; pyrethroid) to stem and main scaffold branches.
  • Systemic neonicitinoids are not effective against this insect.

For more information, see our Lilac-Ash Borer fact sheet.