Integrated Pest Management

Banded Ash Borer

Neoclytus caprea

banded ash borer

Banded ash borer adult (David Cappaert,

banded ash borer larva

Banded ash borer larva (David Cappaert,

banded ash borer damage

Banded ash borer galleries (Lacy L. Hyche, Auburn University,

Pest Description

  • adults: 1/2 – 1 inch; black to dark brown beetles with yellow markings on the wings
  • larvae: up to 1 1/4 inches long; white grubs with or without legs

Host Plants, Diet & Damage

  • ash, hickory, elm, mesquite, white oak
  • larvae feed on phloem and sapwood under the bark
  • attack primarily unhealthy or damaged trees
  • unhealthy trees or individual branches may die from continued infestation
  • typically considered a firewood pest when adults emerge from cut logs inside homes
  • damage could be confused with that of emerald ash borer

Biology, Life Cycle & Damaging Life Stage

  • overwinter as adults under the bark
  • adults emerge in spring and deposit eggs on host bark
  • larvae feed under the bark in the phloem and later in the sapwood
  • larvae pupate in the fall
  • one generation per year
  • larvae are the damaging stage

IPM Recommendations

  • Manage trees to improve or maintain overall health.
  • Prune infested wood/branches.
  • On trees with ongoing infestations, apply an insecticide (carbamate; pyrethroid) to the bark on the trunk and large scaffold branches in spring prior to egg laying.
  • For firewood, allow insects to complete their life cycle outside before bringing the wood inside.
  • Beetles will not infest structural wood, furniture, etc., and are only a nuisance indoors.