Utah One Health Symposium
The intersection of Human, Animal, and Environmental Health
Online Webinar Series
November 2020

Nancy Arbon
Utah Public Health Laboratory
Phone: 801-965-2516
Email: narbon@utah.gov
JoDee Baker, MPH
Utah Department of Healh
Phone: 801-538-6195
Email: jodeebaker@utah.gov
Linda Bogdanow, BS, LEHS
Salt Lake County Health Department
Phone: 385-468-4172
Email: lbogdanow@slco.org
Katie R. Brose, DVM, MPH
USDA APHIS Veterinary Services
Phone: 801-524-5010
Email: Katie.R.Brose@aphis.usda.goc
Kimberly Christensen
Utah Public Health Laboratory
Phone: 801-965-2560
Email: kchriste@utah.gov
Chelsea Crawford
UDAF-Animal Health, Animal Industry Division
Phone: 801-538-7109
Email: chelseacrawford@utah.gov
Rebecca Echols, DVM
At Your Door Veterinary Services, P.C.
Phone: 435-753-7507
Email: rebeccaechols@comcast.net
Kimberly Hersey, MS
Utah Division of Wildlife Resources
Ryan Hill, DVM, MPH
Salt Lake County Animal Services
Phone: 385-468-6025
Email: chill@slco.org
Jane Kelly, DVM, MS, MPH, DACVPM
Utah Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory
Phone: 801-798-5435
Email: ejkelly@cc.usu.edu
CDR William Lanier, DVM, MPH, DACVPM
Phone: 503-931-9131
Email: william.lanier@fsis.usda.gov
Kelli Mohler, MPH, REHS
US PHS-Indian Health Service
Phone: 775-856-6070
Email: kelli.mohler@ihs.gov
Dallin Peterson, MPH
Utah Department of Health
Phone: 801-538-6191
Email: ddpeterson@utah.gov
Barry Pittman
Utah Department of Agrictulture and Food
Phone: 801-538-7162
Email: bpittman@utah.gov
Kerry Rood, MS, DVM, MPH, DACVPM
Utah State University, ADVS Department
Phone: 435-797-1882
Email: kerry.rood@usu.edu
Bryan Smith
Davis County Animal Care & Control
Phone: 801-444-2208
Email: bsmith@co.davis.ut.us